Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Emotion and behavior theory : current research in historical perspective / Dalbir Bindra
  • Genetic and developmental correlates. Heritability of emotional behavior / Jan H. Bruell
  • Developmental aspects of emotional behavior / Harry F. Harlow, Margaret K. Harlow
  • Neurochemical and endocrine correlates. Neurochemical aspects of emotional behavior / Seymour S. Kety
  • Modification of emotional behavior by intracranial administration of chemicals / Sebastian P. Grossman
  • Endocrine and autonomic correlates of emotional behavior / Joseph V. Brady
  • Neurophysiological correlates. Limbic brain in relation to the psychoses / Paul D. MacLean
  • Role of the nonspecific reticulo-thalamo-cortical systems in emotion / Donald B. Lindsley
  • Modulation of emotions by cerebral radio stimulation / Jos�e M.R. Delgado
  • Psychophysiological correlates. Some autonomic-central nervous system interrelationships / John I Lacey, Beatrice C. Lacey
  • Perception and labeling of bodily changes as determinates of emotional behavior / Stuart Valins
  • Conditioned emotional states / Lynn J. Hammond
  • Brain function in emotion : a phenomenological analysis / Magda B. Arnold.