Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Behaviour Modification with the Retarded Child; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Dedication; FOREWORD; PREFACE; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; CHAPTER 1. THE MODIFICATION OF BEHAVIOUR; What is Failure?; Explanations and Pseudo-Explanations; The Effects of Reward and Reward Withdrawal on Maladaptive Response Patterns; Maladaptive Crying; Hyperactivity; Irrational Fears; Case 1. The Treatment of a Dog Phobiain a Severely Subnormal Boy; CHAPTER 2. BEHAVIOUR SHAPING (1) SELF-HELP SKILLS; Case 2. An Operant Programme to Train a Severely Subnormal Boy to Feed Himself and to Drink Unaided
  • What Had Gone WrongCase 2a. The Elimination of Undesirable Mealtime Behaviour in a Severely Subnormal Adolescent Boy; References; CHAPTER 3. (2) SELF-HELP SKILLS; Case (3). The Use of 'Time Out' Technique in Curing a Case of Aggressive Eneuresis; Case (4). A Behaviour Modification Approach to Toilet Training; Case (5). Teaching a Severely Subnormal Deaf Adolescent to Dress Himself by Reverse Chaining Methods; Case (6). An Experimental Attempt to Teach a 9-year-old Mongol Girl to Wash Her Own Hair and Thereby to Overcome a Phobic Fear of Immersion; References
  • CHAPTER 4. (1) SPEECH AND LANGUAGEThe Teaching Methods; (2) Speech and Language-the Papers; (Case 7). John: The Use of Desensitization and Assertion Therapy in Eliciting Verbal Responses from a Pseudo-defective Four-year-old; Cases 8 & 9). Huw and Dylan: The Relevance of Contingency-Controlled Techniquesto the Development of Speech in a Classroom Situation; (Case 10) Margaret: An Essential Preparatory Stage in the Speech Training Programme of a 10-year-old Mongol Girl
  • Case 11)Francis: An Account of One Year's Structured Teaching to Help a Five-year-old Hydroc�ephalie Boy to Develop Imitative Speech, to Use His Right Arm and to Improve Fine Finger MovementsA Concept and Language Development Programme for a Severely Subnormal Child Using Operant Conditioning Methods; The Shaping of Sounds and Words-An Essential Preparatory Stage for Fluent Speech; References; CHAPTER 5. THE CLASSROOM; Pre-Experimental; Experimental Conditions; The use of Behaviour Modification Technique in the Reduction of Classroom Behaviour Problems; Teaching Retarded Children to Attend
  • An Attempt to Provide a Severely Subnormal 10-Year-Old Girl with a Basic Sight VocabularyA Severely Retarded Reader; An Attempt to Discriminate between the Effects of Group and Individual Reinforcement on the Behaviour and Attainment Levels of 12-Year-Old Retardates; References; CHAPTER 6. OTHER BEHAVIOURS; The Problem of Ethics; References; CHAPTER 7. ASSESSMENT AND TRAINING; 1� The Importance of an Early Start; 2. Making an Assessment in the School Environment; 3. Involving the Family; References; INDEX