Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A synoptic view of a coastal plain estuary / R.E. Ulanowickz and D.A. Flemer
  • Hydrodynamics of the Scheldt Estuary / J.C.J. Nihoul [and others]
  • Mathematical model of water quality in a highly polluted estuary / G. Billen and J. Smitz
  • Modelling of biological and chemical processes in the Scheldt Estuary / R. Wollast
  • Turbulent mixing in a salt wedge estuary / G.B. Gardner and J.D. Smith
  • A two-dimensional numerical model for salt intrusion in estuaries / P.A.J. Perrels and M. Karelse
  • The effect of meteorological forcing on the Chesapeake Bay : the coupling between an estuarine system and its adjacent coastal waters / A.J. Elliott and Dong-Ping Wang
  • Long-period, estuarine-shelf exchanges in response to meteorological forcing / N.P. Smith
  • Surge-tide interaction in the southern North Sea / D. Prandle and J. Wolf
  • Residual phenomena in estuaries, application to the Gironde Estuary / R. Bonnefille
  • Asymmetry and anomalies of circulation and vertical mixing in the branching of a lagoon-estuary / Y. Gallardo
  • Dispersion by tide-induced residual current vortices / J.T.F. Zimmerman
  • Coriolis, curvature and buoyancy effects upon dispersion in a narrow channel / R. Smith
  • How some new fundamental results on relative turbulent diffusion can be relevant in estuaries and other natural flows / P.C. Chatwin and P.J. Sullivan
  • A one-dimensional tidal model for estuarine networks / L.R. Muir
  • A new approach to the computation of tidal motions in estuaries / B.M. Jamart and D.F. Winter
  • A numerical model of baratropic mixed tides between Vancouver Island and the mainland and its relation to studies of the estuarine circulation / P.B. Crean
  • Numerical investigations of the influence of coastal structures upon the dynamic off-shore process by application of a nested tidal model / H.G. Ramming
  • Application of a finite element hydrodynamic model to the Great Bay estuary system, New Hampshire, U.S.A. / R.P. Reichard and B. Celikkol
  • Spreading and mixing of the Hudson River effluent into the New York Bight / M.J. Bowman
  • A three-dimensional turbulent energy model for nonhomogeneous estuaries and coastal sea systems / J.J. Leendertse and S.K. Liu
  • A brief review of present theories of fjord dynamics / Fl. Bo Pedersen
  • Properties of the Robert R. Long model of estuarine circulation in fjords / H.G. Gade and E. Svendsen
  • Wind-driven circulation in a fjord / H. Svendsen and R.O.R.Y. Thompson
  • Summer replacement of deep water in Byfjord, western Norway : mass exchange across the sill induced by coastal upwelling / H.B. Helle
  • Nonlinear internal waves in a fjord / D. Farmer and J.D. Smith-- Two-layer analysis of steady circulation in stratified fjords / C.E. Pearson and D.F. Winter
  • Variability of currents and water properties from year-long observations in a fjord estuary / G.A. Cannon and N.P. Laird.