
Combinatorics 79, Part II /

Combinatorics 79. Part II.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Deza, M., 1939-, Rosenberg, I. G. (Ivo G.), 1939-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam ; New York : New York : North-Holland Pub. Co. ; Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North Holland, 1980-
Colección:Annals of discrete mathematics ; 9.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
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Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Annals of Discrete Mathematics Combinatorics 79, Part II; Copyright Page; Contents; Chapter 1. Centers of 2-trees; Chapter 2. The edge reconstructibility of planar bidegree graphs; Chapter 3. The Hungarian magic cube puzzle; Chapter 4. Complete lists of cubic graphs (Abstract); Chapter 5. Graphes cubiques d'indice chromatique quatre; Chapter 6. Un problem�e de coloration aux aspects varies; Chapter 7. Mesures de centralit�e d'un graphe (Abstract); Chapter 8. Generalized Ramsey numbers involving subdivision graphs, and relative problems in graph theory
  • Chapter 9. A general intersection theorem for finite setsChapter 10. A new paradigm for duality questions (Abstract); Chapter 11. The complexity of a planar hypermap and that of its dual; Chapter 12. Acceptable orientations of graphs; Chapter 13. An algebraic upper bound on the independence number of a graph (Abstract); Chapter 14. Preuve algebriqu�e du crit�ere de planarite du Wu-Lin; Chapter 15. Rediscovery and alternate proof of Gauss's identity; Chapter 16. D�ecomposition d'un graphe en cycle et chaines; Chapter 17. Th�eorie de la m�ediane dans les treillis distributifs finis et applications
  • Chapter 18. Graphes noyau-parfaitsChapter 19. Threshold numbers and threshold completions; Chapter 20. Quasimonotone Boolean functions and bistellar graphs; Chapter 21. Minimal triangulations of polygonal domains; Chapter 22. Graphs, groups and mandalas (Abstract); Chapter 23. Packing problems (Abstract); Chapter 24. Combinatorial decomposition and graphs realizability (Abstract); Chapter 25. Multipliers of sets in finite fields and Zn; Chapter 26. Analogues for Sperner and Erd�os-Ko-Rado theorems for sub-spaces of linear spaces (abstract)
  • Chapter 27. Generalized principle of inclusion and exclusion and its applicationsChapter 28. Les G-syst�emes triples; Chapter 29. Comment construire un graphe Pert minimal; Chapter 30. Decomposing complete graphs into cycles of length 2pe; Chapter 31. Une g�en�eralisation dans les p-groupes ab�eliens �el�ementaires, p>2, des th�eor�emes de H.B. Mann et J.F. Dillon sur les ensembles �a differences des 2-groupes abeliens elementaires; Chapter 32. On correlations of finite Boolean lattices (Abstract); Chapter 33. Properties of (0, 1)-matrices with forbidden configurations
  • Chapter 34. On adjacency matrices for hypergraphs (Abstract)Chapter 35. Prime triangular matrices of integers (Abstract); Chapter 36. Une g�en�eralisation d'un th�eor�eme de Goethals-Van Tilborg; Chapter 37. The jump number of dags and posets: an introduction; Chapter 38. The path-numbers of some multipartite graphs; Chapter 39. A construction method for minimally k-edge-connected graphs; Chapter 40. The automorphism group of a matroid; Chapter 41. Combinatorial aspects of continued fractions; Chapter 42. The asymptotic behavior of a class of counting functions (Abstract)