Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Infrared Detectors; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; Preface; Contents of Previous Volumes; PART 1: INTRODUCTION; Chapter 1. Characterization of Infrared Detectors; I. Introduction; II. Characterization of Detectors; PART 2: III-V COMPOUNDS; Chapter 2. Indium Antimonide Photoconductive and Photoelectromagnetic Detectors; I. Introduction; II. Electrical Properties, Optical Properties, and Lifetime Values of Importance to the Design of lnSb Infrared Detectors; III. Theoretical Detector Design; IV. Preparation of Photoconductive and Photoelectromagnetic Detectors.
  • v. Performance of Photoconductive and Photoelectromagnetic DetectorsChapter 3. Narrowband Self-Filtering Detectors; I. Introduction; II. Theoretical Discussion; III. Experimental Data; IV. Summary; PART 3: IV-VI AND II-VI ALLOYS; Chapter 4. Single-Crystal Lead-Tin Chalcogenides; I. Introduction; II. Crystal Preparation; III. Photovoltaic Detectors; IV. Photoconductive Detectors; V. Summary; Chapter 5. Mercury-Cadmium Telluride and Closely Related Alloys; I. Introduction; II. Basic Material Properties; III. Basic Infrared Detector Theory Applicable to These Materials; IV. Crystal Preparation.
  • v. Detector Fabrication and PropertiesVI. Conclusion; Appendix. Intrinsic Carrier Concentration versus Temperature in Hg1 -xCdxTe; PART 4: THERMAL DETECTORS; Chapter 6. The Pyroelectric Detector; I. The Pyroelectric Effect; II. The Pyroelectric Detector; III. Construction of Pyroelectric Detector; Appendix. Electrode Geometry; Note Added in Proof; Chapter 7. Radiation Thermopiles; I. Introduction; II. Theoretical Background; III. Thermopiles as Radiation Detectors; IV. Properties of Thermopile Radiation Detectors; V. Conclusion; List of Symbols.
  • PART 5: HETERODYNE DETECTION AND OTHER SPECIAL TECHNIQUESChapter 8. Low-Level Coherent and Incoherent Detection in the Infrared; I. Introduction; II. Low-Level Incoherent Detection; III. Low-Level Coherent Radiation Detection; Appendix. Thermal Generation-Recombination Noise in Photoconductors; Chapter 9. Coherent Detection in the Infrared; I. Introduction; II. Quantum Theory of Infrared Coherent Detection; III. Measurement of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio; IV. Detection from a Moving Diffuse Reflector; V. An Infrared Laser Radar; VI. Photoconductors and Photodiodes in the Infrared: A Comparison.
  • VII. ConclusionChapter 10. Infrared Heterodyne Detection with Gigahertz IF Response; I. Introduction; II. Design Formulas for Photoconductive Mixers; III. Mixer Response Measurements Using Ge:Cu; IV. IF Preamplifier; V. Prediction of Performance from Mixer I-V Characteristic; VI. Results on Heterodyne Detection in Ge:Cu; VII. Effects of Bias Voltage and Operating Temperature on Mixer Response; Appendix A. Derivation of Design Equations; Appendix B. Effective IF Noise Temperature under Mismatched Conditions; Appendix C. Analysis of Mixer Performance from Mixer I-V Characteristics.