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Table des matières:
  • Front Cover; The Squid Axon; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Yale Membrane Transport Processes Volumes; PART I: STRUCTURE; Chapter 1. Squid Axon Ultrastructure; l. Introduction; ll. Anatomical Organization; lll. Histological Organization; IV. Fine Structure; V. Nerve Fractions; VI. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 2. The Structure of Axoplasm; I. Introduction; ll. Fine Structure of the Squid Giant Axon; lll. Axonal Transport in the Squid Giant Axon; IV. Extruded Axoplasm from the Giant Axon; V. Conclusions; References; PART II: REGULATION OF THE AXOPLASMIC ENVIRONMENT
  • Chapter 3. Biochemistry and Metabolism of the Squid Giant AxonI. Introduction; ll. Molecular Composition of Axoplasm; lll. Functional Metabolic Studies Using the Giant Axon System; IV. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 4. Transport of Sugars and Amino Acids; I. Introduction; ll. Concentration and State of Sugars and Amino Acids in Axoplasm; Ill. Transport of Sugars by Squid Axons; IV. Descriptive Models for Sugar Transport; V. Transport of Amino Acids; VI. General Conclusions; References; Chapter 5. Sodium Pump in Squid Axons; I. Introduction; ll. Experimental Techniques
  • Lll. Sodium Pump in Squid AxonsReferences; Chapter 6. Chloride in the Squid Giant Axon; I. Introduction; ll. [CI-] in Axoplasm and Hemolymph; lll. Transmembrane CI- Movements; IV. Summary and Discussion; References; Chapter 7. Axonai Calcium and Magnesium Homeostasis; I. Introduction; ll. Axonal Ca and Mg: The Problem of Bound versus Free; Ill. Axonal Mg Homeostasis; IV. Axonal Ca Homeostasis; References; Chapter 8. Regulation of Axonal pH; I. Introduction; ll. Methodology; lll. Effect of Weak Bases and Acids on pHi; IV. Effect of Metabolic Inhibitors on pHi
  • v. Ionic Mechanism of pHi RegulationReferences; Chapter 9. Hormone-Sensitive Cyclic Nucleotide Metabolism in Giant Axons of Loligo; I. Introduction; ll. Cyclic AMP Levels in Intact Axons; lll. CAMP Production and Breakdown in Perfused Axons; lV. Conclusion; References; PART III: EXCITABILITY; Chapter 10. Hodgkin-Huxley: Thirty Years After; I. Introduction; ll. Action Potential; lll. Voltage-Clamp Currents; IV. Hodgkin-Huxley Analysis; V. Reconstruction of the Electrical Behavior of the Squid Axon from the Hodgkin-Huxley Equations
  • VI. Molecular Properties of the Na Channel: Permeability Ratios and Binding ConstantsVII. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 11. Sequential Models of Sodium Channel Gating; l. Introduction; ll. Results; lll. Discussion; References; Chapter 13. Multi-Ion Nature of Potassium Channels in Squid Axons; I. Introduction; ll. Characteristics of Multi-Ion Pores; lll. Experimental Results; IV. A Mathematical Model; V. More on Energy Barriers; VI. Summary and Conclusions; References; Chapter 14. Noise Analysis and Single-Channel Recordings; I. Introduction