Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Ion Channels: Molecular and Physiological Aspects; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Yale Membrane Transport Processes Volumes; Chapter 1. Ionic Selectivity of Channels at the End Plate; I. Introduction; ll. Principles of Equilibrium Ion Selectivity; Ill. Principles of Dynamic Ion Selectivity; lV. Experimental Techniques; V. End-Plate Channel Characteristics; VI. Summary and Comparison with Na+ and K+ Channels in Nerve and Muscles; References; Chapter 2. Gating of Channels in Nerve and Muscle: A Stochastic Approach; l. Introduction: Overview and Scope
  • Ll. General Propertieslll. Stochastic Representation of Channel Gating; IV. Experimental Findings; References; Chapter 3. The Potassium Channel of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum; l. Introduction; ll. Electrical Behavior of SR K+ Channels; lll. Fluxes in Native SR Vesicles; IV. Standing Problems and Future Directions; References; Chapter 4. Measuring the Properties of Single Channels in Cell Membranes; I. Introduction; II. Fluctuation (Noise) Analysis of Multichannel Systems; III. Noise Analysis of Non-Channel-Mediated Ion Movement; IV. Methods of Single Channel Recording
  • v. Ion Channels in Patched MembranesVI. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5. Kinetics of Movement in Narrow Channels; I. lon-Ion Interaction; II . Water-Water Interactions; III. Ion-Water Interactions; IV. Summary; V. Appendix: Derivation of Eqs. (3) and (4); References; Chapter 6. Structure and Selectivity of Porin Channels; I. Introduction; II. Reconstitution of Porins into Lipid Bilayer Membranes; III. Single-Channel Analysis; IV. Ionic Selectivity of Porin Channels; V. Properties of the Anion-Selective Channel from Pseudomonas aeruginosa Outer Membrane; Vl. Conclusions; References
  • Chapter 7. Channels in the Junctions between CellsI. Introduction; II. The Cell-to-Cell Channel; Ill. Channel Formation; IV. Permeability of the Channel; V. Regulation of the Channel; VI. Structure and Chemistry of the Membrane Particle in the Gap Junction; References; Chapter 8. Channels across Epithelial Cell Layers; I. Introduction; II. Na+ Channel; Ill. K+ Channels; IV. Nonslective Cation Channels; V. The H2O Channel; VI. Candidate Channels; Refeiences; Chapter 9. Water Movement through Membrane Channels; I. Water Permeability Coefficients
  • II. Water Permeability of Planar Lipid Bilayer MembranesIll. Water Permeability of Plasma Membranes; IV. Summary; Reference; Chapter 10. Channels with Multiple Conformational States: Interrelations with Carriers and Pumps; I. Introduction; II. Coupling between Ion Flow and Conformational Transitions; III. Current Noise in Open Channels; IV. Conformational Transitions Driven by an External Energy Source: Ion Pumps; V. Conclusion; References; Chapter 11. Ion Movements in Gramicidin Channels; I. Introduction; II. Structure; III. Channel Formation: Kinetics and Equilibria