Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Front Cover; Advances in Agronomy, Volume IX; Copyright Page; Contents; Contributors to Volume IX; Preface; Chapter 1. Agricultural Trends in the Old Cotton Belt; I. Introduction; II. Regional Characteristics; III. Problems Influencing Agricultural Trends; IV. Major Trends; V. Summary; References; Chapter 2. Zinc Deficiency and Its Control; I. Introduction; II. EarIy History; III. Plant Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency; IV. Zinc Nutrition of Plants; V. Functions of Zinc in Higher Plants; VI. Zinc Toxicity; VII. Zinc Content of Soils; VIII. Factors Affecting Available Zinc in Soils.
  • IX. Methods of Zinc DeterminationX. Soil Tests for Available Zinc; XI. Control of Zinc Deficiency; References; Chapter 3. Defoliaion and Desiccation: Harvest-Aid Practices; I. Introduction; II. Defoliation: Basic Aspects; III. Defoliation: Practice; IV. Desiccation: Basic and General Aspects; V. Desiccation: Practice; VI. Summary and Prospect; References; Chapter 4. The Fixation of Phosphorus by Soils; I. Introduction; II. Phosphorus Compounds in the Soil; III. Phosphorus Fixation in Acid Soils; IV. Phosphorus Fixation in Alkaline and Calcareous Soils; V. Fixation of Organic Phosphorus.
  • VI. The Plant-Soil Phosphorus RelationshipVII. Summary; References; Chapter 5. The Lespedezas; I. The Origin, History, and Development of Lespedeza in the United States; II. Culture and Utilization; III. Lespedeza Breeding and Improvement; References; Chapter 6. Measurement of Soil Bulk Density and Penetrability a Review of Methods; I. Introduction; II. Soil Penetrometers; III. Measurement of Soil Bulk Density; IV. Interpretation of Bulk Density Measurements; References; Chapter 7. The Contributions of Statistics to Agronomy; I. Introduction.
  • II. The Description and Analysis of Existent PopulationsIII. The Design and Analysis of Experiments; IV. Applications of Statistics to Plant Breeding; References; Chapter 8. The Residual Effect of Fertilizer; I. Introduction; II. Phosphorus and Potassium Accumulation; III. Secondary and Minor Nutrients; IV. Nutrients from Organic Residues; V. Soil Acidification; VI. Summary; References; Chapter 9. The Concept of Braunerde (Brown Forest Soil) in Europe and the United States; I. Introduction; II. Kinds and Distribution of Soils Called Braunerde and Brown Forest Soils.
  • III. Summary and ConclusionsAcknowledgments; References; Author Index; Subject Index.