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|a Contributors. -- Preface. -- Women, Health, and Medicine: -- Why Women's Health? -- An Overview of Women and Health, M.B. Goldman & M.C. Hatch. -- Gender, Race and Class: From Epidemiologic Association to Etiologic Hypotheses, C.J. Rowland Hogue. -- The Role of Women in Health Care and Research: -- Section Editor: S.G. Haynes. -- Role of Advocacy Groups in Research on Women's Health, B. Seaman & S.F. Wood. -- State-of-the-Art Methods for Women's Health Research, S.G. Haynes & M.C. Hatch. -- Gender Issues in Women's Health Care, C.M. Clancy. -- Women's Health and Managed Care, K. Davis, K.S. Collins, and C. Schoen. -- Lesbian Health Research, J. Bradford and J.C. White. -- Sexual and Reproductive Health: -- Reproductive Health: -- Section Editors: G.S. Berkowitz and J.R. Daling. -- Puberty and Adolescent Pregnancy, T.O. Scholl. -- Menstruation and Menstrual Disorders: The Epidemiology of Menstruation and Menstrual Dysfunction, S.D. Harlow. -- Premenstrual Syndrome, J.F. Mortola. -- Women's Fecundability and Factors Affecting It, D.D. Baird and B.I. Strassman. -- Contraception, D. Shoupe and D.R. Mishell, Jr. -- Induced Abortion, H.K. Atrash and A.F. Saftlas. -- Maternal Morbidity, M.A. Williams and R. Mittendorf. -- Labor and Delivery, W.D. Fraser and M.S. Kramer. -- Infertility, M.B. Goldman, S.A. Missmer, and R.L. Barbieri. -- Assisted Reproductive Technologies, D.A. Grainger and B.L. Tjaden. -- Endometriosis, V.L. Holt and J. Jenkins. -- Uterine Leiomyomata, S.M. Schwartz and L.M. Marshall. -- Hysterectomy, K. Dickerson and G.S. LaMaire. -- Sexually Transmitted Diseases: -- Section Editor: N.S. Padian. -- Chlamydia, G. Burstein and A.M. Rompalo. -- Gonococcal Infection in Women, N.A. Hynes and A.M. Rompalo. -- Syphilis in Women, J.M. Marrazzo and C.L. Celum. -- Genital Herpes, A. Wald and J.M. Brown. -- Human Papilloma Virus Infection in Women, N. Jay and A.-B. Moscicki. -- Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS in Women, M.L. Kamb and P.M. Wortley. -- Vaginal Infections, J.R. Schwebke. -- Urinary Tract Infection, B. Foxman. -- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, R. Ness and D. Brooks-Nelson. -- The Interrelationship of Reproductive Health and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, W. Cates, Jr., and N.S. Padian. -- International Women's Health: -- Section Editor: Z. Stein. -- Maternal Mortality and Morbidity, D. Maine and T. McGinn. -- Female Circumcision/Female Genital Mutilation, S. Izett and N. Toubia. -- Women and HIV/AIDS: A Global Perspective: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Challenges, Q.A. Karim and Z.A. Stein. -- Human Rights and Women's Health, L.P. Freedman. -- Occupational, Environmental, and Social Determinants of Health: -- Women at Work: -- Section Editor: S.H. Zahm. -- Employment Patterns and Health among U.S. Working Women, J. Walstedt. -- Multiple Roles and Complex Exposures: Hard-To-Pin Down Risks to Working Women, K. Messing. -- Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace, M.-L. Lindbohm and H. Taskinen. -- Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: Is There a Gender Differential, and if So, What Does It Mean? L. Punnett and R. Herbert. -- Occupational Cancer, S.H. Zahm, M.H. Ward, and D.T. Silverman. -- Indoor Air Quality, M. Hodgson and E. Storey. -- Women's Occupational Health: International Perspectives, J.M. Stellman and A. Lucas. -- Social Determinants of Health: -- Section Editor: G. Sorensen. -- Violence Against Women, B.A. Miller and W.R. Downs. -- Socioeconomic Inequalities in Women's Health, N.E. Moss. -- Women, Stress, and Health, K. Williams and D. Umberson. -- Cigarette Smoking: Trends, Determinants, and Health Effects, C.G. Husten and A.M. Malarcher. -- Nutrition, Weight and Body Image, S.H. Parker. -- Alcohol Use and Abuse, M. Russell, M. Testa and S. Wilsnack. -- Environmental Exposures: -- Section Editor: E.K. Silbergeld. -- The Environment and Women's Health: An Overview, E.K. Silbergeld. -- Evidence for the Role of Environment in Women's Health: Geographical and Temporal Trends in Health Indicators, R.H. Allen. -- Environmental Exposures and Women's Reproductive Health, J.A. Flaws, F.I. Sharara, E.K. Silbergeld, and A.N. Hirshfield. -- Environmental Exposures and Cancer, E.V. Moy and D.C. Christiani. -- Chronic Disease: -- Autoimmune Disorders Section Editor: R. Ramsey-Goldman. -- Thyroid Diseases, P. Kopp. -- Rheumatoid Arthritis, C.E. Dugowson. -- Multiple Sclerosis, M.J. Olek and S.J. Khoury. -- Systemic Lupus Erthematosus, R. Ramsey-Goldman and S. Manzi. -- Asthma, M. Kimbell-Dunn, N. Pearce, and R. Beasley. -- S�jgren's Syndrome, A.L. Parke. -- Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiovascular Risk in Women: -- Section Editor: R. Ness. -- Overview of Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease, K.M. Newton, A.Z. LaCroix, and D.S.M. Buist. -- Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease in Women, R. Holubkov and S.E. Reis. -- Hormonal Milieu and Heart Disease, E. Meilahn. -- Emotions and Heart Disease, G. Weidner and H. Mueller. -- Cerebrovascular Disease in Women, R.L. Brey and S.J. Kittner. -- Venous Thromboembolism, L. Rosenberg. -- Diabetes in Women, P.A. Lotufo, M. Sabolsi, and J.E. Manson. -- Obesity, K.M. Flegal. -- Coronary Heart Disease, Lipid Metabolism, and Steroid Hormones in Women, R.W. Evans. -- Cancer: -- Section Editor: L.A. Brinton. -- Cancers in Women, S.S. Devesa. -- Breast Cancer Epidemiology, Treatment, and Prevention, G. Ursin, D.V. Spicer, and L. Bernstein. -- Inherited Genetic Susceptibility and Breast Cancer, B. Newman. -- Breast Cancer Screening, K. Kerlikowske. -- Ovarian Cancer, R. Troisi and P. Hartge. -- Endometrial Cancer, L.S. Cook and N.S. Weiss. -- Cervical Cancer, F.X. Bosch and N. M�uoz. -- Cervical Cancer Screening, D. Solomon and M. Schiffman. -- Epidemiology of Lung Cancer in Women, A.H. Wu. -- Colon and Rectal Cancer in Women, E.A. Platz and E. Giovannucci. -- Cancer Prevention for Women, K. Glanz and T.M. Vogt. -- Mental Disorders: -- Section Editor: E.J. Bromet. -- Mental Illness in Women, M.V. Seeman. -- Gender and Mood Disorders, R.C. Kessler. -- Anxiety Disorders in Women, K.R. Merikangas and R.A. Pollock. -- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), N. Breslau. -- Eating Disorders, K.A. Halmi. -- Addictive Disorders, S.Y. Hill. -- Poorly Understood Conditions: -- Section Editor: K.B. Schmaling. -- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, T. Rea and D. Buchwald. -- Fibromyalgia, D.J. Hawley and F. Wolfe. -- Epidemiology of Headache in Women: Emphasis on Migraine, S.W. Hamelsky, W.F. Stewart, and R.B. Lipton. -- Irritable Bowel Syndrome, N.J. Talley and N. Koloski. -- Interstitial Cystitis, C.L. Parsons, M. Kamarei, and M. Monga. -- Temporomandibular Disorders, L. LeResche and M. Drangsholt. -- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, C.M. Baldwin, I.R. Bell, M. Fernadez, and G.E.R. Schwartz. -- Geriatric Health: -- Aging: -- Section Editor: J.M. Guralnik. -- Morbidity, Disability, and Mortality, S.G. Leveille and J.M. Guralnik. -- Menopause: Its Epidemiology, M.R. Sowers. -- The Risks and Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy -- Weighing the Evidence, P.A. Wingo and A. McTiernan. -- Osteoporosis, J.A. Cauley and M.E. Danielson. -- Osteoarthritis and Other Musculoskeletal Diseases, M.C. Hochberg, J.C. Scott and M. Lethbridge-Cejku. -- Urinary Incontinence, N.H. Fultz and A.R. Herzog. -- Sensory Impairment, G.S. Rubin and K.J. Cruickshanks. -- Alzheimer's Disease, R. Mayeux and S. Gandy. -- Successful Aging, J.B. Unger and T.E. Seeman. -- Epilogue: -- J.L. Kelsey. -- Epidemiology Glossary. -- Index.