
Modern information processing : from theory to applications /

The volume "Modern Information Processing: From Theory to Applications," edited by Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Giulianella Coletti and Ronald Yager, is a collection of carefully selected papers drawn from the program of IPMU'04, which was held in Perugia, Italy. The book represents th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor Corporativo: International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems Perugia, Italy
Otros Autores: Bouchon-Meunier, B. (Bernadette), 1948-, Coletti, Giulianella, Yager, Ronald R., 1941-
Formato: Electrónico Congresos, conferencias eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam ; London : Elsevier, 2006.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Entropies, characterizations, applications and some history / J�anos Acz�el
  • Belief function theory on the continuous space with an application to model based classification / B. Ristic and Ph. Smets
  • Independence in conditional possibility theory / G. Coletti and B. Vantaggi
  • Joint treatment of imprecision and randomness in uncertainty propagation / C. Baudrit, D. Dubois, D. Guyonnet and H. Fargier
  • Consistency of probabilistic transformations of belief functions / M. Daniel
  • Randomization and uncertain inference / Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. and Choh Man Teng
  • An empirical complexity study for a 2CPA solver / M. Baioletti, A. Capotorti and S. Tulipani
  • Consistency in preference modelling / Jos�e Luis Garc�ia-Lapresta and Javier Montero
  • Transitive decomposition of min-transitive fuzzy relations / S. D�iaz, B. De Baets and S. Montes
  • Decision making with fuzzy ternary relations / S. Ovchinnikov
  • New consistency properties for preference relations / F. Chiclana, E. Herrera-Viedma and F. Herrera
  • Management of uncertainty orderings through ASP / Andrea Capotorti and Andrea Formisano
  • Automating the quality assurance of an on-line knowledge-based classifier by fusing multiple off-line classifiers / Piero P. Bonissone
  • Qualitative classification with possibilistic decision trees / Nahla Ben Amor, Salem Benferhat and Zied Elouedi
  • Discovery of abstract knowledge from non-atomic attribute values in fuzzy relational databases / Rafal A. Angryk and Frederick E. Petry
  • Kernel-based outlier preserving clustering with representativity coefficients / M.-J. Lesot
  • Fuzzy C-medoids clustering models for time-varying data / R. Coppi, P. D'Urso and P. Giordani
  • Improving the K2 algorithm using association rule parameters / Evelina Lamma, Fabrizio Riguzzi and Sergio Storari
  • OWA aggregation on an interval argument / Ronald R. Yager
  • On bi-capacity-based concordance rules in multicriteria decision making / A. Rolland
  • Information evaluation in fusion : formalization of informal recommendations / Laurence Cholvy
  • Application of uncertainty-based methods to fuse language identification expert decisions / J. Guti�errez, J.-L. Rouas and R. Andr�e-Obrecht
  • Intelligent multiattribute decision support model for medical triage / F. Burstein, Jocelyn San Pedro, Leonid Churilov and Jeff Wassertheil
  • Interval-based multicriteria decision making / Martine Ceberio and Fran�cois Modave
  • A linguistic hierarchical evaluation model for engineering systems / L. Mart�inez, L.G. P�erez, J. Liu, J.B. Yang and F. Herrera
  • Non monotonic aggregates applying to fuzzy sets in flexible querying / Patrick Bosc and Ludovic Li�etard
  • Fuzzy spatial data modeling : an extended bitmap approach / J�org Verstraete, Guy De Tr�e and Axel Hallez
  • Introducing [lambda]-specialization into the fuzzy EER model / Guoqing Chen, Ling Lin and Xunhua Guo
  • A logical reasoning framework for modelling and merging uncertain semi-structured information / Anthony Hunter and Weiru Liu
  • Machine learning and the prediction of protein structure : the state of the art / Rita Casadio, Remo Calabrese, Emidio Capriotti, Mario Compiani, Piero Fariselli, Paola Marani, Ludovica Montanucci, Pier Luigi Martelli, Ivan Rossi and Gianluca Tasco
  • Efficient and robust global amino acid sequence alignment with uncertain evolutionary distance / Matthias C.M. Troffaes
  • Classifying biomedical spectra using stochastic feature selection and parallelized multi-layer perceptrons / N.J. Pizzi, R.L. Somorjai and W. Pedrycz
  • On the sensitivity of probabilistic networks to reliability characteristics / Linda C. van der Gaag and Silja Renooij
  • Dominance of recognition of words presented on right or left eye (comparison of kanji and hiragana) / Takahiro Yamanoi, Toshimasa Yamazaki, Jean-Louis Vercher, Elie Sanchez and Michio Sugeno
  • Hand posture recognition with the fuzzy glove / T. Allevard, E. Benoit and L. Foulloy
  • Image retrieval by composition of regions / J.F. Omhover and M. Detyniecki
  • Blind image restoration from multiple views by IMAP estimation / Monia Discepoli, Ivan Gerace and Roberta Pandolfi
  • A combined feature extraction method for an electronic nose / I. Hristozov, B. Iliev and S. Eskiizmirliler.