
Java: a beginner's guide /

A practical introduction to Java programming-fully revised for the latest version, Java SE 17 Thoroughly updated for Java Platform Standard Edition 17, this hands-on resource shows, step by step, how to get started programming in Java from the very first chapter. Written by Java guru Herbert Schildt...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Schildt, Herbert (Autor)
Autores Corporativos: Safari, an O'Reilly Media Company, McGraw-Hill Higher Education (Firm)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : McGraw-Hill, [2022]
Edición:Ninth edition.
Colección:McGraw-Hill's AccessEngineering.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo (Requiere registro previo con correo institucional)
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • 1 Java Fundamentals
  • The History and Philosophy of Java
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • The Java Development Kit
  • A First Simple Program
  • Handling Syntax Errors
  • A Second Simple Program
  • Another Data Type
  • Try This 1-1: Converting Gallons to Liters
  • Two Control Statements
  • Create Blocks of Code
  • Semicolons and Positioning
  • Indentation Practices
  • Try This 1-2: Improving the Gallons-to-Liters Converter
  • The Java Keywords
  • Identifiers in Java
  • The Java Class Libraries
  • Chapter 1 Self Test
  • 2 Introducing Data Types and Operators
  • Why Data Types Are Important
  • Java?s Primitive Types
  • The Boolean Type
  • Try This 2-1: How Far Away Is the Lightning?
  • Literals
  • A Closer Look at Variables
  • The Scope and Lifetime of Variables
  • Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational and Logical Operators
  • Short-Circuit Logical Operators
  • The Assignment Operator
  • Shorthand Assignments
  • Type Conversion in Assignments
  • Casting Incompatible Types
  • Operator Precedence
  • Try This 2-2: Display a Truth Table for the Logical Operators
  • Expressions
  • Chapter 2 Self Test
  • 3 Program Control Statements
  • Input Characters from the Keyboard
  • The if Statement
  • Nested ifs
  • The if-else-if Ladder
  • The Traditional switch Statement
  • Nested switch Statements
  • Try This 3-1: Start Building a Java Help System
  • The for Loop
  • Some Variations on the for Loop
  • Missing Pieces
  • Loops with No Body
  • Declaring Loop Control Variables Inside the for Loop
  • The Enhanced for Loop
  • The while Loop
  • The do-while Loop
  • Try This 3-2: Improve the Java Help System
  • Use break to Exit a Loop
  • Use break as a Form of goto
  • Use continue
  • Try This 3-3: Finish the Java Help System
  • Nested Loops
  • Chapter 3 Self Test
  • 4 Introducing Classes, Objects, and Methods
  • Class Fundamentals
  • How Objects Are Created
  • Reference Variables and Assignment
  • Methods
  • Returning from a Method
  • Returning a Value
  • Using Parameters
  • Try This 4-1: Creating a Help Class
  • Constructors
  • Parameterized Constructors
  • Adding a Constructor to the Vehicle Class
  • The new Operator Revisited
  • Garbage Collection
  • The this Keyword
  • Chapter 4 Self Test
  • 5 More Data Types and?Operators
  • Arrays
  • Try This 5-1: Sorting an Array
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Alternative Array Declaration Syntax
  • Assigning Array References
  • Using the length Member
  • Try This 5-2: A Queue Class
  • The For-Each Style for Loop
  • Strings
  • Using Command-Line Arguments
  • Using Type Inference with Local Variables
  • The Bitwise Operators
  • Try This 5-3: A ShowBits Class
  • The ? Operator
  • Chapter 5 Self Test
  • 6 A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
  • Controlling Access to Class Members
  • Try This 6-1: Improving the Queue Class
  • Pass Objects to Methods
  • Returning Objects
  • Method Overloading
  • Overloading Constructors
  • Try This 6-2: Overloading the Queue Constructor
  • Recursion
  • Understanding static
  • Try This 6-3: The Quicksort
  • Introducing Nested and Inner Classes
  • Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments
  • Chapter 6 Self Test
  • 7 Inheritance
  • Inheritance Basics
  • Member Access and Inheritance
  • Constructors and Inheritance
  • Using super to Call Superclass Constructors
  • Using super to Access Superclass Members
  • Try This 7-1: Extending the Vehicle Class
  • Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy
  • When Are Constructors Executed?
  • Superclass References and Subclass Objects
  • Method Overriding
  • Overridden Methods Support Polymorphism
  • Why Overridden Methods?
  • Using Abstract Classes
  • Using final
  • The Object Class
  • Chapter 7 Self Test
  • 8 Packages and?Interfaces
  • Packages
  • Packages and Member Access
  • Understanding Protected Members
  • Importing Packages
  • Java?s Class Library Is Contained in Packages
  • Interfaces
  • Implementing Interfaces
  • Using Interface References
  • Try This 8-1: Creating a Queue Interface
  • Variables in Interfaces
  • Interfaces Can Be Extended
  • Default Interface Methods
  • Use static Methods in an Interface
  • Private Interface Methods
  • Final Thoughts on Packages and Interfaces
  • Chapter 8 Self Test
  • 9 Exception Handling
  • The Exception Hierarchy
  • Exception Handling Fundamentals
  • The Consequences of an Uncaught Exception
  • Using Multiple catch Statements
  • Catching Subclass Exceptions
  • Try Blocks Can Be Nested
  • Throwing an Exception
  • A Closer Look at Throwable
  • Using finally
  • Using throws
  • Three Additional Exception Features
  • Java?s Built-in Exceptions
  • Creating Exception Subclasses
  • Try This 9-1: Adding Exceptions to the Queue Class
  • Chapter 9 Self Test
  • 10 Using I/O
  • Java?s I/O Is Built upon Streams
  • Byte Streams and Character Streams
  • The Byte Stream Classes
  • The Character Stream Classes
  • The Predefined Streams
  • Using the Byte Streams
  • Reading and Writing Files Using Byte Streams
  • Automatically Closing a File
  • Reading and Writing Binary Data
  • Try This 10-1: A File Comparison Utility
  • Random-Access Files
  • Using Java?s Character-Based Streams
  • File I/O Using Character Streams
  • Using Java?s Type Wrappers to Convert Numeric Strings
  • Try This 10-2: Creating a Disk-Based Help System
  • Chapter 10 Self Test
  • 11 Multithreaded Programming
  • Multithreading Fundamentals
  • The Thread Class and Runnable Interface
  • Creating a Thread
  • Try This 11-1: Extending Thread
  • Creating Multiple Threads
  • Determining When a Thread Ends
  • Thread Priorities
  • Synchronization
  • Using Synchronized Methods
  • The synchronized Statement
  • Thread Communication Using notify( ), wait( ), and notifyAll( )
  • Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads
  • Try This 11-2: Using the Main Thread
  • Chapter 11 Self Test
  • 12 Enumerations, Autoboxing, Annotations, and More
  • Enumerations
  • Java Enumerations Are Class Types
  • The values( ) and valueOf( ) Methods
  • Constructors, Methods, Instance Variables, and?Enumerations
  • Enumerations Inherit Enum
  • Try This 12-1: A Computer-Controlled Traffic Light
  • Autoboxing
  • Type Wrappers
  • Autoboxing Fundamentals
  • Autoboxing and Methods
  • Autoboxing/Unboxing Occurs in Expressions
  • Static Import
  • Annotations (Metadata)
  • Introducing instanceof
  • Chapter 12 Self Test
  • 13 Generics
  • Generics Fundamentals
  • A Simple Generics Example
  • Bounded Types
  • Using Wildcard Arguments
  • Bounded Wildcards
  • Generic Methods
  • Generic Constructors
  • Generic Interfaces
  • Try This 13-1: Create a Generic Queue
  • Raw Types and Legacy Code
  • Type Inference with the Diamond Operator
  • Local Variable Type Inference and Generics
  • Erasure
  • Ambiguity Errors
  • Some Generic Restrictions
  • Continuing Your Study of Generics
  • Chapter 13 Self Test
  • 14 Lambda Expressions and Method References
  • Introducing Lambda Expressions
  • Block Lambda Expressions
  • Generic Functional Interfaces
  • Try This 14-1: Pass a Lambda Expression as an Argument
  • Lambda Expressions and Variable Capture
  • Throw an Exception from Within a Lambda Expression
  • Method References
  • Constructor References
  • Predefined Functional Interfaces
  • Chapter 14 Self Test
  • 15 Modules
  • Module Basics
  • java.base and the Platform Modules
  • Legacy Code and the Unnamed Module
  • Exporting to a Specific Module
  • Using requires transitive
  • Try This 15-1: Experiment with requires transitive
  • Use Services
  • Additional Module Features
  • Continuing Your Study of Modules
  • Chapter 15 Self Test
  • 16 Switch Expressions, Records, and Other Recently Added Features
  • Enhancements to switch
  • Try This 16-1: Use a switch Expression to Obtain a City?s Time Zone
  • Records
  • Pattern Matching with instanceof
  • Sealed Classes and Interfaces
  • Future Directions
  • Chapter 16 Self Test
  • 17 Introducing Swing
  • The Origins and Design Philosophy of Swing
  • Components and Containers
  • Layout Managers
  • A First Simple Swing Program
  • Swing Event Handling
  • Use JButton
  • Work with JTextField
  • Create a JCheckBox
  • Work with JList
  • Try This 17-1: A Swing-Based File Comparison Utility
  • Use Anonymous Inner Classes or Lambda Expressions to Handle Events
  • Chapter 17 Self Test
  • A Answers to Self Tests
  • Chapter 1: Java Fundamentals
  • Chapter 2: Introducing Data Types and Operators
  • Chapter 3: Program Control Statements
  • Chapter 4: Introducing Classes, Objects, and Methods
  • Chapter 5: More Data
  • Types and Operators
  • Chapter 6: A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
  • Chapter 7: Inheritance
  • Chapter 8: Packages and Interfaces
  • Chapter 9: Exception Handling
  • Chapter 10: Using I/O
  • Chapter 11: Multithreaded Programming
  • Chapter 12: Enumerations, Autoboxing, Annotations, and More
  • Chapter 13: Generics
  • Chapter 14: Lambda Expressions and Method References
  • Chapter 15: Modules
  • Chapter 16: Switch Expressions, Records, and Other Recently Added Features
  • Chapter 17: Introducing Swing
  • B Using Java?s Documentation Comments
  • The javadoc Tags
  • The General Form of a Documentation Comment
  • What javadoc Outputs
  • An Example That Uses Documentation Comments
  • C Compile and Run Simple Single-File Programs in One Step
  • D Introducing JShell
  • JShell Basics
  • List, Edit, and Rerun Code
  • Add a Method
  • Create a Class
  • Use an Interface
  • Evaluate Expressions and Use Built-in Variables
  • Importing Packages
  • Exceptions
  • Some More JShell Commands
  • Exploring JShell Further
  • E More Java Keywords
  • The transient and volatile Modifiers
  • strictfp
  • assert
  • Native Methods
  • Another Form of this
  • Index.