
Beginning Swift : master the fundamentals of programming in Swift 4 /

Take your first foray into programming for Apple devices with Swift. Swift is fundamentally different from Objective-C, as it is a protocol-oriented language. While you can still write normal object-oriented code in Swift, it requires a new way of thinking to take advantage of its powerful features...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Kerr, Rob (Autor), Morstøl, Kåre (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2018.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo (Requiere registro previo con correo institucional)
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Preface
  • Swift Basics
  • Swift Program Structure
  • Hello, World!
  • Swift Variables and Constants
  • Declaring Swift Variables
  • Variables Versus Constants
  • Type Inference
  • Variable Naming
  • Working with Variables
  • Tuples
  • Creating a Tuple
  • Optionals
  • Declaring an Optional
  • Working with Optionals
  • Optional nil Values
  • Accessing Optional Values
  • Force Unwrapping an Optional
  • Conditionally Unwrapping Optionals
  • The Swift guard Statement
  • Activity: Variable Summary
  • Swift Data Types
  • Numeric Data Types
  • Int on 64-Bit Versus 32-Bit Platforms
  • Built-In Numeric Data Types
  • Choosing the Appropriate Numeric Data Type
  • Declaring and Assigning Integer Variables
  • Declaring and Assigning Floating Point Numbers
  • Numeric Literal Grouping
  • Numeric Type Conversions
  • Boolean
  • Character
  • Assigning a Character
  • Constructing a Character Literal
  • String
  • Instantiating a String
  • String Concatenation
  • Extracting Characters
  • String Length
  • Activity: Data Type Summary
  • Enums
  • Basic Enum Syntax
  • Enum with Raw Values
  • Activity: Using Swift Enums
  • Summary
  • Swift Operators and Control Flow
  • Swift Operators
  • Assignment Operator
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Standard Arithmetic Operators
  • Remainder Operator
  • Unary minus Operator
  • Compound Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Equality
  • Inequality
  • Comparison between Two Values
  • Ternary Conditional Operator
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Nil-Coalescing Operator
  • Range Operators
  • Closed Range Operator
  • Half-Open Range Operator
  • One-Sided Range Operator
  • Activity: Operators
  • Branching
  • The if Statement
  • Condition Lists
  • Optional Unwrapping with if
  • The switch Statement
  • switch Statement Rules
  • The break Keyword
  • The fallthrough Keyword
  • Matching Non-Scalar Values.
  • Multiple Patterns in a Single Case
  • Using the where Statement within case
  • Evaluating Optionals with a switch Statement
  • Activity: Converting Code from if to switch
  • Loops
  • The for ... in Statement
  • Iterating over Objects
  • Iterating over Array Objects with index
  • The for Loop where Clause
  • The break Control Transfer Statement
  • The continue Control Transfer Statement
  • The while Loop
  • The repeat ... while Loop
  • Activity: Implementing Loops
  • Summary
  • Functions, Classes, and Structs
  • Functions
  • Defining a Function
  • Argument Labels
  • Excluding Argument Labels
  • Parameter Default Values
  • Activity: Implementing a Function
  • Returning Values from Functions
  • Using @discardableResult
  • Function Attributes
  • Variadic Parameters
  • inout Parameters
  • Recursion
  • Functions as Parameters
  • Closures
  • Creating a Function to Receive Content from an Asynchronous Web Service Call
  • Error Handling
  • The do ... catch Statement
  • Multiple catch Blocks
  • Using do without catch
  • The guard Statement
  • Activity: Exception Handling
  • Object-Oriented Features
  • Object-Oriented Principles
  • Classes Versus Structs
  • Defining Classes and Structures
  • Activity: Creating a Customer Struct and Class
  • Summary
  • Challenge
  • Collections
  • Arrays
  • Working with Arrays
  • Index
  • Common Operations with Index
  • ArraySlice
  • Creating Slices
  • Activity: Working with Arrays
  • Sets
  • Working with Sets
  • Combining Sets
  • Comparing Sets
  • Activity: Removing Duplicates from a Sequence
  • Dictionaries
  • Working with Dictionaries
  • Activity: Using Dictionaries
  • Summary
  • Strings
  • String Fundamentals
  • Character
  • Collection
  • Index
  • Working with String Index
  • Debugging
  • Activity: All Indices of a Character
  • Using Strings
  • Creating Strings
  • Common Operations
  • Activity: All Ranges of a Substring.
  • Activity: Counting Words, Sentences, and Paragraphs
  • Substring
  • Creating Substrings
  • Parsing Strings
  • Converting NSRange to Range
  • Activity: CamelCase
  • Summary
  • Functional Programming and Lazy Operations
  • Function Type
  • Functional Methods
  • filter
  • Using the filter Method
  • map
  • Using the map Method
  • flatMap
  • Using the flatMap Method
  • reduce
  • Using the reduce Function
  • Activity: Using Functional Programming
  • Lazy Operations
  • Lazy Sequences
  • Sequence Internals
  • Creating Lazy Operations
  • sequence(first:next:)
  • sequence(state:next:)
  • Activity: Implementing a Lazy Version of a Method
  • Swifty Code
  • Naming
  • Organizing Code
  • Miscellaneous
  • Writing Swifty Code
  • Summary
  • Further Study
  • Challenge
  • Index.