
Eloquent javascript : a modern introduction to programming /

JavaScript lies at the heart of almost every modern web application, from social apps to the newest browser-based games. Though simple for beginners to pick up and play with, JavaScript is a flexible, complex language that you can use to build full-scale applications. Eloquent JavaScript, 2nd Editio...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Haverbeke, Marijn (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: San Francisco, CA : No Starch Press, [2014]
Edición:Second edition.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo (Requiere registro previo con correo institucional)
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Brief Contents; Contents in Detail; Introduction ; On Programming; Why Language Matters; What Is JavaScript?; Code, and What to Do with It; Overview of This Book; Typographic Conventions; Part I: Language; Chapter 1: Values, Types, and Operators; Values; Numbers; Arithmetic; Special Numbers; Strings; Unary Operators; Boolean Values; Comparisons; Logical Operators; Undefined Values; Automatic Type Conversion; Short-Circuiting of Logical Operators; Summary; Chapter 2: Program Structure; Expressions and Statements; Variables; Keywords and Reserved Words; The Environment; Functions.
  • The console.log FunctionReturn Values; Prompt and Confirm; Control Flow; Conditional Execution; while and do Loops; Indenting Code; for Loops; Breaking Out of a Loop; Updating Variables Succinctly; Dispatching on a Value with switch; Capitalization; Comments; Summary; Exercises; Looping a Triangle; FizzBuzz; Chess Board; Chapter 3: Functions; Defining a Function; Parameters and Scopes; Nested Scopes; Functions as Values; Declaration Notation; The Call Stack; Optional Arguments; Closure; Recursion; Growing Functions; Functions and Side Effects; Summary; Exercises; Minimum; Recursion.
  • Bean CountingChapter 4: Data Structures: Objects and Arrays; The Weresquirrel; Data Sets; Properties; Methods ; Objects; Mutability; The Lycanthrope's Log; Computing Correlation; Objects as Maps; The Final Analysis; Further Arrayology; Strings and Their Properties; The arguments Object; The Math Object; The Global Object; Summary; Exercises ; The Sum of a Range; Reversing an Array; A List; Deep Comparison; Chapter 5: Higher-Order Functions; Abstraction; Abstracting Array Traversal; Higher-Order Functions; Passing Along Arguments; JSON; Filtering an Array; Transforming with map.
  • Summarizing with reduceComposability; The Cost; Great-great-great-great-. . .; Binding; Summary; Exercises; Flattening; Mother-Child Age Difference; Historical Life Expectancy; Every and Then Some; Chapter 6: The Secret Life of Objects; History; Methods; Prototypes; Constructors; Overriding Derived Properties; Prototype Interference; Prototype-less Objects; Polymorphism; Laying Out a Table; Getters and Setters; Inheritance; The instanceof Operator; Summary; Exercises; A Vector Type; Another Cell; Sequence Interface; Chapter 7: Electronic Life; Definition; Representing Space.
  • A Critter's Programming InterfaceThe World Object; this and Its Scope; Animating Life; It Moves; More Life-forms; A More Lifelike Simulation; Action Handlers; Populating the New World; Bringing the World to Life; Exercises; Artificial Stupidity; Predators; Chapter 8: Bugs and Error Handling; Programmer Mistakes; Strict Mode; Testing; Debugging; Error Propagation; Exceptions; Cleaning Up After Exceptions; Selective Catching; Assertions; Summary; Exercises; Retry; The Locked Box; Chapter 9: Regular Expressions; Creating a Regular Expression; Testing for Matches; Matching a Set of Characters.