Tabla de Contenidos:
  • <P>Little Big Data: Mastering Existing Information as a Foundation for Big Data; <I>Donald A. Donahue, Jr. <BR></I>Managing Unstructured Data in a Health Care Setting; <I>David E. Parkhill<BR></I>Experiences with Linking Data Systems for Analyzing Large Data; <I>Dilhari DeAlmeida, Suzanne Paone, and John Kellum<BR></I>The Ecosystem of Federal Big Data and Its Use in Health Care; <I>Ryan H. Sandefer and David T. Marc<BR></I>Big Data from the Push of Clinical Information: Harvesting User Feedback for Continuing Education; <I>Roland Grad, Pierre Pluye, Michael Shulha, David L. Tang, Jonathan Moscovici, Carol Repchinsky, and Jamie Meuser<BR></I>Addressing Social Determinants of Health Using Big Data; <I>Gregory D. Stevens<BR></I>An International Perspective: Institutionalizing Quality Improvement through Data Utilization at a Multicountry, Multiclinic Level; <I>Martine Etienne-Mesubi, Peter Memiah, Ruth Atukunda, Constance Shumba, Francesca Odhiambo, Mercy Niyang, Barbara Bastien, Patience Komba, Eva Karorero, Mwansa Mulenga, Lanette Burrows, and Kristen Stafford<BR></I>Big Data: Architecture and Its Enablement; <I>Bruce Johnson<BR></I>Health Data Governance: Balancing Best Practices for Data Governance and Management with User Needs; <I>Linda Dimitropoulos and Charles (Chuck) Thompson<BR></I>Roadblocks, Regulation, and Red Tape: How American Health Policy and Industry Norms Threaten the Big Data Revolution; <I>Matthew Dobra, Dorothy Weinstein, and Christopher Broyles<BR></I>Education and Training of Health Informaticists; <I>Lynda R. Hardy<BR></I>Interactive Visualization; <I>Catherine Plaisant, Megan Monroe, Tamra Meyer, and Ben Shneiderman<BR></I>Driving Successful Population Health Management and Achieving Triple Aim with Clinical Analytics; <I>Kim S. Jayhan<BR></I>Improving Decision-Making Using Health Data Analytics; <I>Margrét V. Bjarnadóttir, Ritu Agarwal, Kenyon Crowley, QianRan Jin, Sean Barnes, and Kislaya Prasad<BR></I>Measuring e-Health Impact: An e-Health Evaluation Framework that Leverages Process Control Theory and Big Data Analytics; <I>Derek Ritz</I><BR></P>