Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Project: drawbot : Parts list ; Assembly instructions ; Program the robot ; The next chapter
  • 2. Anatomy of Lego robotics : Mindstorms ; Expanding on the mindstorms set ; Programming your brick ; The next chapter
  • 3. Arduino interlude : History of the Auduino project ; What is OSHW? ; Anatomy of the Uno ; The Arduino ecosystem ; Arduino resources ; The next chapter
  • 4. Project: clock : Parts list ; Assembly instructions ; Program the robot ; Setting the clock ; The next chapter
  • 5. Project: chocolate milk maker : Parts list ; Assembly instructions ; Program the robot ; The next chapter
  • 6. Basic electronic theory : Basic concepts in electricity ; Know your electronic components ; Sensors 101 ; Further study
  • 7. Gripperbot : Parts list ; Building instructions ; Assembling the gripperbot's electronics ; Programming the gripperbot ; The next chapter
  • 8. Project: keytar ; Parts list ; Assembly instructions ; Program the keytar ; Play some music! ; The next chapter
  • 9. Project: lamp : Parts list ; Assembly instructions ; Program the lamp ; The next chapter
  • 10. Advanced techniques : Wiring up bricktronics equivalents ; Mounting PCBs to Legos ; Adding Molex connectors to Lego wires ; All about motors ; Powering your robot ; NXT to Arduino communication ; XBee wireless modules ; Epilogue.