
Java for dummies quick reference /

A reference that answers your questions as you move through your codingThe demand for Android programming and web apps continues to grow at an unprecedented pace and Java is the preferred language for both. Java For Dummies Quick Reference keeps you moving through your coding while you solve a probl...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Lowe, Doug, 1959-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Colección:--For dummies.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo (Requiere registro previo con correo institucional)
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Java® For Dummies® Quick Reference; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; Introduction; About Java For Dummies Quick Reference; Foolish Assumptions; Conventions Used in This Book; How This Book Is Organized; Icons Used in This Book; Where to Go from Here; Part 1: Java Language Tools; Downloading and Installing the Java Development Kit; JDK Folder Structure; Setting the Path for Java; java Command; javac Command; javap Command; jar Command; Part 2: Java Language Basics; & and & & Operators; and Operators;! Operator; Abstract Class; And Operators (& and & &); Anonymous Class; Arrays.
  • Assignment StatementsBlocks; boolean Data Type; Boolean Expressions; Boolean Operators; break Statement; byte Data Type; Casting; char Data Type; Checked Exceptions; Class Declaration; Class Variables; Comments; Concatenating Strings; Constants; Constructor; continue Statement; Data Types; Decrement Operator; do ... while Statement; double Data Type; Escape Sequences; Exception Class; Exceptions; extends Keyword; Fields; final Class; final Method; final Variables; float Data Type; Floating-point Data Types; for Statement; Generic Class; Identifiers; if Statement; implements Keyword.
  • Import StatementIncrement and Decrement Operators; Inheritance; Inner Class; Initializer; Instance Variables; int Data Type; Integer Data Types; Interface; Keywords; Local Variables; Logical Operators; long Data Type; Main Method; Method; Not Operator (!); Object-Oriented Programming; Operators; Or Operators (and); Package Statement; Parsing Strings; Polymorphism; Primitive Data Types; private Keyword; protected Keyword; public Keyword; Recursion; Reference Types; Scope; Shadowing; short Data Type; Statements; static Keyword; String Data Type; switch Statement; super Keyword.
  • This Keywordthrow Statement; throws Keyword; try Statement; Variables; while Statement; White Space; Part 3: Basic Java Classes; ArrayList Class; Arrays Class; Class Class; Exception Class; Iterable Interface; Iterator Interface; LinkedList Class; Matcher Class; Math Class; NumberFormat Class; Object Class; Pattern Class; Random Numbers; Regular Expressions; Runnable Interface; String Class; StringBuffer Class; StringBuilder Class; Thread Class; Part 4: File and Network I/O; BufferedInputStream Class; BufferedOutputStream Class; BufferedReader Class; BufferedWriter Class.
  • DataInputStream ClassDataOutputStream Class; DirectoryStream Class; InputStream Class; File Class; FileInputStream Class; FileOutputStream Class; FileReader Class; Files Class; FileVisitor Interface; FileVisitResult Enum; FileWriter Class; InetAddress Class; OutputStream Class; Path Interface; Paths Class; PrintStream Class; PrintWriter Class; Reader Class; Scanner Class; ServerSocket Class; SimpleFileVisitor Class; Socket Class; Streams (Overview); System.err; System.out; Writer Class; Part 5: Swing; ActionEvent Class; ActionListener Interface; BorderFactory Class; ButtonGroup Class.