Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. The Accidental Profession
  • Module 1. Foundational Elements for Product Management
  • Ch. 1. What Is Product Management?
  • Ch. 2. The Product Master Plan
  • Ch. 3. Leadership: Creating Influence
  • Ch. 4. Cross-Functional Product Teams: Getting Things Done
  • Ch. 5. Decision Making: What's Next?
  • Ch. 6. Finance for the Product Manager: Keeping Score
  • Module 2. Making the Market Your Primary Focus
  • Ch. 7. The Playing Field and the Players: Analyzing the Industry and Competition
  • Ch. 8. Finding Markets to Conquer by Understanding Customer Needs and Market Segments
  • Ch. 9. Preparing to Set Your Mileposts: Forecasting for the Product Manager
  • Ch. 10. Strategic Product Planning: The Inflection Point
  • Module 3. The Start of the Product's Journey and the New Product Development Process
  • Ch. 11. Making a Molehill out of a Mountain: The Concept Phase
  • Ch. 12. Is There Really a Business Here? Assessing Feasibility
  • Ch. 13. Appearances Are Everything: Defining the Product
  • Ch. 14. Justifying Product Investments: The Business Case
  • Ch. 15. Synchronizing the Gears: The Marketing Plan for the Product
  • Ch. 16. Execution and Oversight during Product Development
  • Ch. 17. Introducing the Product and Orchestrating the Launch
  • Module 4. Continuing the Journey: Post-Launch Product Management
  • Ch. 18. Auditing Results after the Launch
  • Ch. 19. Post-Launch Product Management: Running the Business
  • Ch. 20. Life Cycle Product Portfolio Management
  • Ch. 21. Enough's Enough! Discontinuing the Product
  • Module 5. Professionalizing Product Management
  • Ch. 22. Charting Your Career
  • Ch. 23. Organizing for Product Management
  • Module 6. The Product Manager's Tool Box.