
Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition /

This industry-standard resource has been completely revised for the first time since Ven Te Chow's classic edition was published over 50 years ago. Compiled by a colleague of the late Dr. Chow and featuring chapter contributions from a 'who's who' of international hydrology exper...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Singh, Vijay P. (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill Education, [2016].
Edición:2nd edition.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Contributors
  • International Advisory Board
  • Practitioner Advisory Board
  • Contents in Brief
  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Part 1. Fundamentals
  • Chapter 1. The Hydrologic Cycle
  • Chapter 2. Watersheds, River Basins, and Land Use
  • Chapter 3. Water Balance
  • Part 2. Data Collection and Processing
  • Chapter 4. Hydrometeors and Quantitative Precipitation Estimation
  • Chapter 5. Streamflow Data
  • Chapter 6. Streamflow Ratings
  • Chapter 7. Hydrologic Information Systems
  • Chapter 8. Remote Sensing Techniques and Data Assimilation for Hydrologic Modeling
  • Chapter 9. Geographic Information Systems
  • Chapter 10. Design of Hydrologic Networks
  • Part 3. Methods
  • Chapter 11. Artificial Neural Networks
  • Chapter 12. Fuzzy Logic
  • Chapter 13. Evolutionary Computing: Genetic Algorithms
  • Chapter 14. Relevance Vector Machine
  • Chapter 15. Harmonic Analysis and Wavelets
  • Chapter 16. Outlier Analysis and Infilling of Missing Records in Hydrologic Data
  • Chapter 17. Linear and Nonlinear Regression
  • Chapter 18. Time Series Analysis and Models
  • Chapter 19. Statistical Detection of Nonstationarity: Issues and Needs
  • Chapter 20. Spatial Analysis and Geostatistical Methods
  • Chapter 21. Frequency Distributions
  • Chapter 22. Calibration, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty, Data Assimilation, Sensitivity Analysis, and Validation
  • Chapter 23. Bayesian Methods
  • Chapter 24. Optimization Approaches for Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Chapter 25. Nonparametric Methods
  • Chapter 26. Predictive Uncertainty Assessment and Decision Making
  • Chapter 27. Risk-Reliability Analysis
  • Chapter 28. Scaling and Fractals
  • Chapter 29. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
  • Chapter 30. Copula Modeling in Hydrologic Frequency Analysis
  • Chapter 31. Entropy Theory
  • Chapter 32. Entropy Production Extremum Principles
  • Chapter 33. Data-Based Mechanistic Modeling
  • Chapter 34. Decomposition Methods
  • Chapter 35. Network Theory
  • Chapter 36. Hydroeconomic Analysis
  • Part 4. Hydrologic Processes and Modeling
  • Chapter 37. Weather and Climate
  • Chapter 38. Hydroclimatology: Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Chapter 39. Spatial and Temporal Estimation and Analysis of Precipitation
  • Chapter 40. Snow Distribution and Snowpack Characteristics
  • Chapter 41. Time-Space Modeling of Precipitation
  • Chapter 42. Evapotranspiration and Evaporative Demand
  • Chapter 43. Rainfall Interception, Detention, and Depression Storage
  • Chapter 44. Watershed Geomorphological Characteristics.
  • Chapter 45. Infiltration Modeling
  • Chapter 46. Soil Moisture and Vadose Zone Modeling
  • Chapter 47. Hydrogeologic Characterization
  • Chapter 48. Groundwater Modeling
  • Chapter 49. Watershed Runoff, Streamflow Generation, and Hydrologic Flow Regimes
  • Chapter 50. Snowmelt Runoff Generation and Modeling
  • Chapter 51. Glacial Melting and Runoff Modeling
  • Chapter 52. Reservoir and Channel Routing
  • Chapter 53. Waterlogging and Salinzation
  • Chapter 54. Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions: Integrated Modeling of a Coupled System
  • Chapter 55. Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: Concepts, Mitigation, and Simulation
  • Chapter 56. Regional Land Subsidence Caused by the Compaction of Susceptible Aquifer Systems Accompanying Groundwater Extraction
  • Chapter 57. Hydraulic Fracturing and Hydrologic Impacts
  • Chapter 58. Catchment Classification and Regionalization
  • Chapter 59. Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
  • Chapter 60. Continuous Watershed Modeling
  • Chapter 61. Calibration and Evaluation of Watershed Models
  • Chapter 62. Feasibility, Engineering, and Operations Models: Using the Decision Environment to Inform the Model Design
  • Part 5. Sediment and Pollutant Transport
  • Chapter 63. Water Quality
  • Chapter 64. Soil Erosion
  • Chapter 65. Channel Erosion and Sediment Transport
  • Chapter 66. Sedimentation of Floodplains, Lakes, and Reservoirs
  • Chapter 67. Pollutant Transport in Surface Water
  • Chapter 68. Pollutant Transport in Vadose Zone
  • Chapter 69. Pollutant Transport in Groundwater
  • Chapter 70. Salinization and Salinity Management in Watersheds
  • Chapter 71. Transport of Biochemicals and Microorganisms
  • Part 6. Hydrometeorologic and Hydrologic Extremes
  • Chapter 72. Atmospheric Rivers
  • Chapter 73. Hydrometeorological Extremes (Hurricanes and Typhoons)
  • Chapter 74. Extreme Rainfall: Global Perspective
  • Chapter 75. Floods
  • Chapter 76. Flood Frequency Analysis
  • Chapter 77. Regional Flood Frequency Modeling
  • Chapter 78. Risk, Reliability, and Return Periods and Hydrologic Design
  • Chapter 79. Drought Characteristics
  • Chapter 80. Low Flow and Drought Analysis
  • Part 7. Systems Hydrology
  • Chapter 81. Isotope Hydrology
  • Chapter 82. Lake Hydrology
  • Chapter 83. Urban Hydrology
  • Chapter 84. Agricultural Hydrology
  • Chapter 85. Forest Hydrology
  • Chapter 86. Coastal Hydrology
  • Chapter 87. Wetland Hydrology
  • Chapter 88. Arid Zone Hydrology
  • Chapter 89. Karst
  • Chapter 90. Cryospheric Hydrology: Mountainous Environment
  • Chapter 91. Hydrology of Transportation Systems
  • Chapter 92. Large-Scale and Global Hydrology
  • Part 8. Hydrology of Large River and Lake Basins
  • Chapter 93. Amazon River Basin. Chapter 94. Paran? (Rio de la Plata) River Basin
  • Chapter 95. Orinoco River Basin
  • Chapter 96. Nile River Basin
  • Chapter 97. Congo River Basin
  • Chapter 98. Zambezi River Basin
  • Chapter 99. Euphrates and Tigris River Basin
  • Chapter 100. Yangtze River Basin.
  • Chapter 101. Yellow River Basin
  • Chapter 102. Mekong River
  • Chapter 103. Yenisei River Basin
  • Chapter 104. Lena River Basin
  • Chapter 105. Brahmaputra River Basin
  • Chapter 106. Ganga River Basin
  • Chapter 107. Narmada Basin
  • Chapter 108. Indus River Basin
  • Chapter 109. The Mississippi River Basin
  • Chapter 110. Colorado River Basin
  • Chapter 111. Columbia River Basin
  • Chapter 112. St. Lawrence River Basin
  • Chapter 113. River Rhine Basin
  • Chapter 114. Danube River Basin
  • Chapter 115. Ob River Basin
  • Chapter 116. Po River Basin
  • Chapter 117. River Thames Basin
  • Chapter 118. Managing Water in an Arid Land: The Murray Darling Basin, Australia
  • Chapter 119. The Great Lakes System
  • Chapter 120. The East African Great Lakes
  • Chapter 121. Aral Sea Basin
  • Chapter 122. Baltic Sea Basin
  • Chapter 123. Black Sea Basin
  • Chapter 124. The Caspian Sea Basin
  • Part 9. Applications and Design
  • Chapter 125. Design Rainfall
  • Chapter 126. Probable Maximum Precipitation
  • Chapter 127. Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins
  • Chapter 128. Stochastic Streamflow Simulation and Forecasting
  • Chapter 129. Flood Forecasting and Flash Flood Forecasting?Special Considerations in Hydrologic Modeling for the Expressed Purpose of Flood and Flash Flood Forecasting
  • Chapter 130. Reservoir Operation Design
  • Chapter 131. Floodplain Management
  • Chapter 132. Storm Water Management, Best Management Practices, and Low-Impact Development
  • Chapter 133. Flood Proofing and Infrastructure Development
  • Chapter 134. Environmental Flows
  • Chapter 135. Drainage and Culvert Design
  • Chapter 136. Wetland and River Restoration
  • Chapter 137. Institutional Framework for Water Management
  • Chapter 138. Peak Water, Virtual Water, and Water Footprints: New Definitions and Tools for Water Research and Policy
  • Chapter 139. Transboundary Water Management
  • Chapter 140. Integrated River Basin Management
  • Chapter 141. Conflict Resolution
  • Chapter 142. Long-distance Water Transfers
  • Chapter 143. The Indian River-Linking Program
  • Chapter 144. Irrigation Scheduling and Management
  • Chapter 145. Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater Recharge
  • Chapter 146. Reuse-Reclaimed Water in Managed Aquifer Recharge
  • Chapter 147. River Bank Filtration
  • Chapter 148. Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources
  • Chapter 149. Human Impacts on Hydrology
  • Chapter 150. Climate Change and Its Impacts on Hydrologic Cycle
  • Part 10. Future
  • Chapter 151. Human-Hydrology Systems Modeling
  • Chapter 152. Variability of Hydrological Processes and Systems in a Changing Environment
  • Chapter 153. Extraterrestrial Water
  • Chapter 154. Water Security
  • Chapter 155. Social Hydrology
  • Chapter 156. Grand Challenges Facing the Hydrologic Sciences
  • Index
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z.