
Fracturing Horizontal Wells /

This hands-on guide teaches the application of modern fracturing methods in horizontal wells.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autores principales: Soliman, Mohamed Y. (Autor), Dusterhoft, Ron (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill Education, [2016]
Edición:First edition.
Colección:McGraw-Hill's AccessEngineering.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Contributors
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1. Fracture Stimulation of Horizontal Wells
  • Background
  • Horizontal Wellbores of Past Days
  • Fracture Stimulation of Inclined Wellbores
  • Fracturing Horizontal Wells
  • Growth of Horizontal Well Interest During Mid to Late 1980s
  • Fracturing Shale Formations
  • SCM
  • What About Oil?
  • References
  • Chapter 2. Transitioning from Vertical to Horizontal Wellbores
  • Introduction
  • Tight Gas Sands
  • What Makes Shale Different?
  • Basin Modeling and Fluid Migration Modeling
  • The Need for Horizontal Drilling
  • Earth Modeling
  • Well Placement
  • Stimulation Design
  • A Workflow for Unconventional Assets
  • References
  • Chapter 3. Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Horizontal Wells
  • Introduction
  • Horizontal Well Definitions
  • Why Should We Drill Horizontal Wells?
  • Well Candidates
  • Flow Regimes in Horizontal Wells
  • Analytical Solutions for Horizontal Well Performance
  • Steady-State Development for Oil Wells
  • Effect of Various Parameters on Horizontal Well Productivity
  • Formation Damage: Effects and Distribution around a Horizontal Wellbore
  • Performance Comparison of Horizontal Well versus Fractured Vertical Well
  • Review of Specific Applications of Horizontal Wells
  • Steamflooding
  • Nomenclature
  • References
  • Chapter 4. Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Fractured Horizontal Wells
  • Introduction
  • Fractured Horizontal Wells
  • Transverse Fractures
  • Productivity Comparison
  • Effect of Number of Fractures
  • Openhole versus Cased Hole Completions
  • Effects of Overflushing
  • Performance of Longitudinal Fractures
  • Fluid Flow in Fractured Shale Formation
  • Effect of Reservoir Complexity
  • Overall Optimization of Number of Transverse Fractures in Shale
  • Field Cases and Matching Production
  • Nomenclature
  • References
  • Chapter 5. Fracturing Horizontal Wells: Rock Mechanics Overview
  • Introduction
  • Calculation of Underground Stress and Deformation
  • Stress Distribution around a Vertical Well
  • Stress Distribution around a Deviated Well
  • Stress Distribution around a Horizontal Well
  • The Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criterion
  • Horizontal Wellbore Stability
  • Wellbore Stability Analysis for a Deviated Well
  • Parametric Sensitivity Analysis for Wellbore Stability
  • Borehole Breakout Analysis
  • Fracturing Failure Criteria for Transverse Fractures
  • Fracturing a Vertical Well
  • Fracturing a Deviated Well
  • Fracturing a Horizontal Well
  • Creation of Transverse Fractures
  • Perforated Interval for Creation of Transverse Fractures
  • Creation of Longitudinal Fractures.
  • Reorientation of Fractures and Reorientation Radius
  • Multiple Fractures at and away from the Wellbore
  • T-Shaped Fracture
  • Creation of Transverse Fracturing in an OpenHole
  • Effect of Packers on Creating Transverse Fractures
  • Stress Interference
  • Stress Interference Caused by the Presence of (a) Semi-Infinite Fracture(s)
  • Stress Interference Caused by the Presence of a Penny-Shaped Fracture
  • Stress Interference Caused by the Presence of an Elliptical Fracture
  • Interference Caused by the Presence of Multiple Fractures in a Horizontal Well
  • Effect of Different Types of Completion of Horizontal Wells on Stress Interference
  • Stress Distribution in a Geological Structure
  • Field Example
  • Transverse versus Longitudinal Fractures
  • Multiple Fracturing in Shale Formations
  • Alternating Fractures Stress-Diversion Method
  • Modified Zipper-Frac
  • Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Placement in Horizontal Wellbore
  • Coupling in Hydraulic Fracturing Problems
  • Effects of Fracture Height
  • Fracture Placement in Horizontal Wellbores
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 6. Drilling of Horizontal Wells
  • Introduction
  • Discussion
  • References
  • Chapter 7. Proppant and Proppant Transport
  • Sustaining Conductivity
  • References
  • Chapter 8. Fracture Diagnostic Testing
  • Introduction
  • Step-Rate Testing
  • Determining NWB Friction from Step-Down-Rate Testing
  • Pump-In/Flowback Testing
  • Pump-In/Shut-In Testing
  • Modifications to the Conventional Analysis
  • Use of G-Function during the Analysis of Pump-In/Shut-In Testing
  • Determination of Formation Permeability Using Preclosure Transient Analysis
  • Updates to Valk? and Economides Model
  • Field Examples: Preclosure Transient Analysis
  • After-Closure Analysis to Determine Permeability and Reservoir Pressure
  • Field Examples
  • Application in a Fractured Horizontal Well
  • Application to Unconventional Reservoirs
  • Nomenclature
  • References
  • Chapter 9. Interval Isolation
  • Introduction
  • Primary Cementing in Wells with Horizontal and Deviated Holes
  • Improved Liner Cementing and Mechanical Isolation
  • Universal Cement System
  • Annular Pressure Buildup and Sustained Casing Pressure
  • Other Isolation Techniques Used for Stimulation Processes
  • Cement Job Evaluation
  • Remedial Cementing
  • Squeeze Cementing
  • Cement Slurry
  • Placement Methods
  • Enabling Technology
  • Bottomhole Kickoff Assembly.
  • Bridge Plug
  • Easily Drilled Bridge Plug and Squeeze Packer
  • References
  • Chapter 10. Horizontal Completion Fracturing Methods and Techniques
  • Introduction
  • Wellbore Types
  • Fracturing Methods for Uncased Horizontal Completions
  • Fracturing Methods in Cased Horizontal Completions?Casing Injection
  • Fracturing Methods in Cased Horizontal Completions?Tubing or Annular Path Injection
  • Refracturing
  • Refracturing Methods
  • References
  • Chapter 11. Use of Well Logging Measurements and Analysis for Fracturing Design
  • Well Logging in Unconventional Reservoirs
  • Formation Elastic Properties from Well Logs
  • Logging Tools Required
  • Effects of Anisotropy
  • Use of Image Logs for Stress Field Orientation
  • Brittleness Index from Formation Elastic Constants
  • Unconventional Reservoir Characterization by Mineralogy
  • New Fracturability Indices
  • Fracturability Index is a Mineralogical Index: A New Approach for Fracturing Decision
  • Overburden Stress from Density Logging
  • Fracture Initiation Pressure
  • Identification of "Sweet Spots" with Logging Measurements
  • Fracture Treatment Monitoring
  • Production Logging for Fracturing Stage Performance Monitoring
  • References
  • Chapter 12. Fracture Treatment Diagnostics
  • Overview
  • Microseismic Mapping
  • Sources of Microseismicity
  • Detecting Microseisms
  • Microseismic Data
  • Analysis of Microseismic Data
  • Setting Up a Microseismic Test
  • Monitoring
  • Source Analyses
  • Multiwell Monitoring and Other Conditions
  • Validation
  • Microseismic Examples
  • Barnett Two-Well Monitoring of Gel and Waterfrac Treatments
  • Barnett Single-Well Stimulation versus "Zipper Frac" Stimulation
  • Marcellus Two-Well Stimulation Program
  • Canadian Sedimentary Basin Example
  • Surface Microseismic Monitoring
  • Microdeformation (Tiltmeter) Fracture Monitoring
  • Why Surface Deformation Occurs
  • Tiltmeters
  • Deploying an Array of Tiltmeters
  • Tiltmeter Data
  • Stimulated Reservoir Characterization Analysis
  • Downhole Tiltmeter Arrays
  • Microdeformation Examples
  • Lost Hills Diatomite Example
  • McLure Shale Example
  • Eagle Ford Integrated Example
  • Distributed Temperature Sensing
  • DTS System
  • DTS Examples
  • Distributed Acoustic Sensing
  • Tracers
  • Radioactive Tracer Application
  • Chemical Oil Tracer Application
  • Summary
  • References
  • Chapter 13. Environmental Stewardship
  • Introduction
  • Water Acquisition
  • Freshwater Withdrawal
  • Alternative Water Sources
  • Drilling and Well Completion
  • Drilling
  • Well Construction
  • Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids
  • Hydraulic Fracturing Additives
  • Transportation, Storage, and Chemical Spills
  • Well Injection
  • Emissions
  • Earthquake Concerns Related to the Hydraulic Fracturing Process
  • Produced Water
  • Treatment of Produced Water
  • Candidate Water Treatment Technologies
  • Reuse of Produced Water in Subsequent Hydraulic Fracturing Operation
  • Disposal
  • Earthquake Concerns from Disposal Wells
  • Transportation, Storage, and Spills
  • Regulatory Oversight
  • Concluding Remarks
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Index
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • Z.