
Handbook of Electric Power Calculations /

Fully revised to include calculations needed for the latest technologies, this essential tool for electrical engineers and technicians provides the step-by-step procedures required to solve a wide array of electric power problems.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Beaty, H. Wayne (Editor ), Santoso, Surya (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: ?2015.
Edición:4th edition.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A. About the Editors
  • B. Preface
  • C. Acknowledgments
  • D. Contributors
  • E. Other Electrical Power Engineering Books of Interest
  • 1. Section 1: Basic Network Analysis
  • Series-Parallel DC Network Analysis
  • Branch-Current Analysis of a DC Network
  • Mesh Analysis of a DC Network
  • Nodal Analysis of a DC Network
  • DC Network Solution Using Superposition Theorem
  • DC Network Solution Using Thevenin's Theorem
  • DC Network Solution Using Norton's Theorem
  • Balanced DC Bridge Network
  • Unbalanced DC Bridge Network
  • Analysis of a Sinusoidal Wave
  • Analysis of a Square Wave
  • Analysis of an Offset Wave
  • Circuit Response to a Nonsinusoidal Input Consisting of a DC Voltage in Series with an AC Voltage
  • Steady-State AC Analysis of a Series RLC Circuit
  • Steady-State AC Analysis of a Parallel RLC Circuit
  • Analysis of a Series-Parallel AC Network
  • Analysis of Power in an AC Circuit
  • Analysis of Power Factor and Reactive Factor
  • Power-Factor Correction
  • Maximum Power Transfer in an AC Circuit
  • Analysis of a Balanced Wye-Wye System
  • Analysis of a Balanced Delta-Delta System
  • Response of an Integrator to a Rectangular Pulse
  • Bibliography
  • 2. Section 2: Instrumentation
  • Introduction
  • Voltage Measurement
  • Current Measurement
  • Power Measurement Using a Single-Phase Wattmeter
  • Power Measurement Using a Three-Phase Wattmeter
  • Reactive-Power Measurement
  • Power-Factor Measurement
  • Electric Energy Metering
  • Electric Peak-Power Demand Metering
  • Nonelectrical Measurements
  • Bibliography
  • 3. Section 3: DC Motors and Generators
  • DC Generator Used as a Tachometer, Speed/Voltage Measurement
  • Separately Excited DC Generator's Rated Conditions from No-Load Saturation Curve
  • Terminal Conditions Calculated for a DC Compound Generator
  • Added Series Field Calculated to Produce Flat Compounding in a DC Generator
  • Calculation of Interpole Windings for a DC Generator
  • Design of Compensating Windings for a DC Machine
  • Stator and Armature Resistance Calculations in a DC Self-Excited Generator
  • Efficiency Calculation for a DC Shunt Generator
  • Torque and Efficiency Calculations for a Separately Excited DC Motor
  • Design of a Manual Starter for a DC Shunt Motor
  • Consideration of Duty Cycle Used to Select a DC Motor
  • Calculation of Armature Reaction in a DC Shunt Motor
  • Dynamic Braking for a Separately Excited DC Motor
  • Three-Phase SCR Drive for a DC Motor
  • DC Shunt-Motor Speed Determined from Armature Current and No-Load Saturation Curve
  • Chopper Drive for a DC Motor
  • Design of a Counter-EMF Automatic Starter for a DC Shunt Motor
  • Bibliography
  • 4. Section 4: Transformers
  • Analysis of Transformer Turns Ratio
  • Analysis of a Step-Up Transformer
  • Analysis of a Transformer Connected to a Load
  • Selection of a Transformer for Impedance Matching
  • Performance of a Transformer with Multiple Secondaries
  • Impedance Transformation of a Three-Winding Transformer
  • Selection of a Transformer with Tapped Secondaries
  • Transformer Characteristics and Performance
  • Performance and Analysis of a Transformer with a Lagging Power-Factor Load
  • Performance and Analysis of a Transformer with a Leading Power-Factor Load
  • Calculation of Transformer Voltage Regulation
  • Calculation of Efficiency
  • Analysis of Transformer Operation at Maximum Efficiency
  • Calculation of All-Day Efficiency
  • Selection of Transformer to Supply a Cyclic Load
  • Analysis of Transformer under Short-Circuit Conditions
  • Calculation of Parameters in the Equivalent Circuit of Power Transformer by Using the Open-Circuit and Short-Circuit Tests
  • Performance of a Step-Up Autotransformer (Buck/Boost Transformer in Boost Mode)
  • Analysis of a Delta-Wye Three-Phase Transformer Bank Used as a Generator-Step-Up Transformer
  • Performance of an Open Delta or Vee-Vee System
  • Analysis of a Scott-Connected System
  • Bibliography.
  • 5. Section 5: Three-Phase Induction Motors
  • Introduction
  • Equivalent Circuit
  • Determination of Equivalent Circuit Parameters
  • Performance Characteristics
  • Plugging
  • Braking
  • Autotransformer Starting
  • Resistance Starting
  • Reactance Starting
  • Series-Parallel Starting
  • Multistep Starting
  • Speed Control
  • Line-Voltage Control
  • Frequency Control
  • Selection of Motor Starting and Speed Control
  • Motor Selection for a Constant Load
  • Motor Selection for a Variable Load
  • Bibliography
  • 6. Section 6: Single-Phase Motors
  • Equivalent Circuit of a Single-Phase Induction Motor Determined from No-Load and Locked-Rotor Tests
  • Torque and Efficiency Calculations for a Single-Phase Induction Motor
  • Determination of Input Conditions and Internally Developed Power from the Equivalent Circuit for Single-Phase Induction Motors
  • Determination of Input Conditions and Internally Developed Power from the Approximate Equivalent Circuit for Single-Phase Induction Motors
  • Loss and Efficiency Calculations from the Equivalent Circuit of the Single-Phase Induction Motor
  • Starting-Torque Calculation for a Capacitor Motor
  • Starting Torque for a Resistance-Start Split-Phase Motor
  • Shaded-Pole Motor Losses and Efficiency
  • Synchronous Speed and Developed Torque for a Reluctance Motor
  • Maximum Value of Average Mechanical Power for a Reluctance Motor
  • Breakdown Torque?Speed Relationship for a Fractional-Horsepower Motor
  • Field and Armature-Winding Design of a Repulsion Motor
  • AC/DC Torque Comparison and Mechanical Power for a Universal Motor
  • Single-Phase Series Motor (Universal) Equivalent Circuit and Phasor Diagram
  • Bibliography
  • 7. Section 7: Synchronous Machines
  • Per-Unit Base Quantities
  • Per-Unit Direct-Axis Reactances
  • Per-Unit Quadrature-Axis Reactances
  • Per-Unit Open-Circuit Time Constants
  • Per-Unit Short-Circuit Time Constants
  • Steady-State Phasor Diagram
  • Generator-Capability Curve
  • Generator Regulation
  • Generator Short-Circuit Ratio
  • Power Output and Power Factor
  • Generator Efficiency
  • Synchronizing Power Coefficient
  • Generator Grounding Transformer and Resistor
  • Power-Factor Improvement
  • Bibliography
  • 8. Section 8: Generation of Electric Power
  • Major Parameter Decisions
  • Optimum Electric-Power-Generating Unit
  • Annual Capacity Factor
  • Annual Fixed-Charge Rate
  • Fuel Costs
  • Average Net Heat Rates
  • Construction of Screening Curve
  • Noncoincident and Coincident Maximum Predicted Annual Loads
  • Required Planning Reserve Margin
  • Ratings of Commercially Available Systems
  • Hydropower-Generating Stations
  • Largest Units and Plant Ratings Used in Generating-System Expansion Plans
  • Alternative Generating-System Expansion Plans
  • Generator Ratings for Installed Units
  • Optimum Plant Design
  • Annual Operation and Maintenance Costs vs. Installed Capital Costs
  • Thermal Efficiency vs. Installed Capital and/or Annual Operation and Maintenance Costs
  • Replacement Fuel Cost
  • Capability Penalty
  • Bibliography
  • 9. Section 9: Overhead Transmission Lines and Underground Cables
  • Introduction
  • Conductor Resistance
  • Inductance of a Single Isolated Wire
  • Inductance of a Two-Wire Transmission Line
  • Inductive Reactance of a Two-Wire Transmission Line
  • Inductance of a Stranded-Conductor Transmission Line
  • Inductance of Three-Phase Transmission Lines
  • Per-Phase Inductive Reactance of Three-Phase Lines
  • Inductance of a Multiconductor Transmission Line
  • Inductive Reactance of a Multiconductor Transmission Line
  • Inductive Reactance of a Bundled Transmission Line
  • Inductive Reactance Determined by Using Tables
  • Effect of Mutual Flux Linkage
  • Inductive Impedances of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Including Ground-Return Corrections
  • Inductive Sequence Impedances of Three-Phase Transmission Lines
  • Inductive Reactance of Cables in Ducts or Conduit
  • Inductive Impedances of Multiconductor Underground Cables Including Ground-Return Corrections
  • Inductive Sequence Impedances of Three-Phase Underground Cables
  • Charging Current and Capacitive Reactive Power Associated with Transmission Lines
  • Capacitance of a Two-Wire Line
  • Capacitive Reactance of a Two-Wire Line
  • Capacitance of Three-Phase Lines
  • Per-Phase Capacitive Reactance of Three-Phase Lines
  • Capacitive Susceptances of Multiconductor Transmission Lines
  • Capacitive Sequence Susceptances of Three-Phase Transmission Lines
  • Capacitive Susceptances Associated with Underground Cables
  • Transmission-Line Models for Power-Frequency Studies
  • Medium Transmission-Line Models for Power-Frequency Studies
  • Long Transmission-Line Models for Power-Frequency Studies
  • Complex Power
  • Surge Impedance Loading
  • Bibliography.
  • 10. Section 10: Electric Power Networks
  • Power System Representation: Generators, Motors, Transformers, and Lines
  • Per-Unit Method of Solving Three-Phase Problems
  • Per-Unit Bases for Three-Phase Short-Circuit Calculations
  • Changing the Base of Per-Unit Quantities
  • Wye-Delta and Delta-Wye Conversions
  • Per-Unit Reactances of Three-Winding Transformers
  • Calculation of Complex Power
  • Checking Voltage Phase Sequence with Lamps
  • Total Power in Balanced Three-Phase System
  • Division of Load between Transformers in Parallel
  • Phase Shift in Wye-Delta Transformer Banks
  • Calculation of Real Power, Reactive Power, Apparent Power, and Power Factor
  • Power Diagram
  • Static Capacitors Used to Improve Power Factor
  • Three-Phase Synchronous Motor Used to Correct Power Factor
  • Power Calculation of Two-Winding Transformer Connected as an Autotransformer
  • Two-Wattmeter Method for Determining the Power of a Three-Phase Load
  • Open-Delta Transformer Operation
  • Real and Reactive Power of a Three-Phase Motor in Parallel with a Balanced-Delta Load
  • Bibliography
  • 11. Section 11: Power Flow Analysis in Power Systems
  • Introduction
  • Nomenclature
  • Developing Power Flow Equations
  • Power Flow Solution
  • Gauss-Seidel (G-S) Method for Power Flow Solution
  • Example of Gauss-Seidel (G-S) Solution
  • Newton-Raphson (N-R) Method for Power Flow Solution
  • Example of Newton-Raphson (N-R) Solution
  • Fast-Decoupled (F-D) Method for Power Flow Solution
  • Example of Fast-Decoupled (F-D) Solution
  • Concluding Remarks
  • Bibliography
  • 12. Section 12: Power System Control
  • Introduction
  • Power System Control
  • Objectives of Power System Control
  • Classification of Control Tools
  • Assumptions Underlying Control Design in Normal Operation
  • Hierarchical Control in the Regulated Electric Power Industry
  • Power System Control in the Changing Industry
  • Conclusions
  • Bibliography
  • 13. Section 13: Short-Circuit Computations
  • Transformer Regulation Determined from Short-Circuit Test
  • Terminal Voltage of Single-Phase Transformer at Full Load
  • Voltage and Current in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
  • Three-Phase Short-Circuit Calculations
  • Subtransient, Transient, and Synchronous Short-Circuit Currents
  • Power in Unbalanced Three-Phase Circuits
  • Determination of Phase-Sequence Components
  • Properties of Phasor Oper-ators, j and a
  • Complex Power Calculated with Symmetrical Components
  • Impedances and Reactances to Different Sequences
  • Line-to-Line Short-Circuit Calculations
  • Impedance to Zero Sequence for Generators, Transformers, and Transmission Lines
  • Line-to-Ground Short-Circuit Calculations
  • Subtransient-Current Contribution from Motors; Circuit-Breaker Selection
  • Induction-Motor Inrush Current
  • Induction-Motor Short-Circuit Current
  • Bus Voltages Calculated by Matrix Equation and Inversion
  • Power Flow through a Transmission Line; ABCD Constants
  • Bibliography
  • 14. Section 14: System Grounding and Earthing
  • Purpose of Grounding
  • Definitions
  • Basic Calculation Process
  • Background
  • Calculating the Estimated Resistance to Ground of Grounding/Earthing Electrodes
  • Estimating the Resistance/Impedance of Complex Grounding Electrode Systems
  • Calculating an Estimated Ground Potential Rise of an Electrode System (Ground Grid)
  • Conclusion
  • Computer Modeling Software
  • Bibliography
  • 15. Section 15: Power System Protection
  • Introduction
  • Current Transformer Connection and Sizing
  • Time Overcurrent Protection of Radial Primary Distribution Systems
  • Differential Protection
  • Step Distance Protection
  • Small Motor Protection
  • Digital Protection Fundamentals
  • Advanced Digital Communications
  • Summary
  • Bibliography
  • 16. Section 16: Power System Stability
  • Introduction
  • Dynamic Modeling and Simulation
  • Transient Stability Analysis
  • Single Machine-Infinite Bus Illustration
  • Program Automation
  • Selecting Transient Stability Design Criteria
  • Transient Stability Aids
  • Selection of an Underfrequency Load-Shedding Scheme
  • Steady-State Stability Analysis
  • Voltage Stability Analysis
  • Data Preparation for Large-Scale Dynamic Simulation
  • Validation of Exciter and Governor Models
  • Direct Data-Driven Stability Analysis
  • Bibliography.
  • 17. Section 17: Cogeneration
  • Introduction
  • Power Output Developed by Turbine Stages
  • Generator and Mechanical Losses
  • Boiler-Feed and Condensate Pump Power Consumption
  • Gross and Net Power Output
  • Heat and Fuel Consumption
  • Heat Rate
  • Feedwater-Heater Heat Balance
  • Gas-Turbine-Based Cogeneration Plant
  • Gas-Turbine Output and Heat Rate in Cogeneration-Plant Mode
  • Comparative Analysis of STCP and GTCP
  • Bibliography
  • 18. Section 18: Stationary Batteries
  • Selection
  • Ratings
  • C Rate
  • Calculating Battery End Voltage for a DC System
  • Sizing Methods?Constant Current
  • Sizing Methods?Constant Power
  • Determining the Current of a Constant-Power Load
  • Number of Positive Plates
  • Discharge Characteristics
  • Using Fan Curves
  • Using S Curves
  • Using K Factors
  • Voltage Depression?Nickel-Cadmium on Float Charge
  • Number of Cells for a 48-V System
  • Number of Cells for 125- and 250-V Systems
  • Selecting Nickel-Cadmium Cells
  • Load Profiles
  • Profile for Random Load
  • Loads Occurring during First Minute
  • Sizing Battery for Single-Load Profile
  • Sizing Battery for Multiple-Load Profile
  • Ampere-Hour Capacity
  • Sizing Battery for Constant Power
  • Calculating Battery Short-Circuit Current
  • Charger Size
  • Recharging Nickel-Cadmium Batteries?Constant Current
  • Temperature and Altitude Derating for Chargers
  • Calculation of the Sulfuric Acid (H_2SO_4) Content of Electrolyte
  • Bibliography
  • 19. Section 19: Electric Energy Economic Models
  • Free Trade versus Fair Trade
  • The Economic Growth Model
  • Economies of Scale
  • Competition within a Utility
  • Economic Dispatch
  • Avoided Cost
  • Independent System Operators
  • Handling Competition on Microgrids
  • Rate Making
  • Class Cost of Service
  • Rate Design
  • Rating Periods
  • Fuel Clauses
  • Free Trade Pricing of Distribution Wires
  • Bibliography
  • 20. Section 20: Lighting Design
  • Introduction
  • Average Illuminance
  • Illuminance at a Point
  • Lighting System for an Indoor Industrial Area
  • Lighting System for an Outdoor Area
  • Roadway Lighting System
  • Bibliography
  • 21. Section 21: Power Electronics
  • Introduction
  • Nomenclature
  • Power Electronics Switches
  • DC to DC Conversion
  • AC to DC Conversion
  • DC to AC Conversion
  • Bibliography
  • 22. Section 22: Alternate Energy Sources
  • Introduction
  • Wind Power Conversion
  • Solar Power Conversion
  • Uncertainty Analysis
  • Planning and Investment on Alternate Energy Sources
  • Bibliography
  • 23. Section 23: Power Quality
  • Introduction
  • Voltage Sag Analysis
  • Voltage Swell Analysis
  • Electrical Transient Phenomena
  • Harmonics in Power System
  • Bibliography
  • 24. Section 24: Smart Grids
  • Defining the Smart Grid
  • Purposes of a Smart Grid
  • Related Calculations
  • Bibliography.