
Entropy theory in hydrologic science and engineering /

This unique guide provides a much-needed introduction to entropy, or, the measure of disorder, and the theory's various applications in the hydrologic sciences.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Singh, V. P. (Vijay P.) (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill Education, [2015]
Edición:First edition.
Colección:McGraw-Hill's AccessEngineering.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • A. About the author
  • B. Dedication
  • C. Preface
  • D. Acknowledgments
  • A. Part i: preliminaries
  • 1. Introduction to entropy theory
  • Concept of entropy
  • Entropy theory
  • Types of entropies
  • Approximate entropy and sample entropy
  • Principle of maximum entropy
  • Methodology for application of pome
  • Concentration theorem
  • Principle of minimum cross entropy
  • Application of pomce to continuous variables
  • Application of pomce with fractile constraints
  • Comparison between pome and pomce
  • Entropy scaling
  • Partial and constrained entropy
  • Entropy under transformation of variables
  • Types of hydrologic problems
  • Hypothesis on cumulative distribution function
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 2. Maximum entropy production principle
  • Hydrologic systems
  • Irreversibility of system processes and entropy production
  • Laws of thermodynamics
  • Principle of maximum entropy production
  • Application of maximum entropy production principle
  • Entropy production flux
  • Application of nonequilibrium thermodynamics
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 3. Performance measures
  • Symbols and definitions
  • Performance measures for deterministic models
  • Goodness-of-fit measures for probabilistic models
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 4. Morphological analysis
  • Basic terminology
  • Distribution of stream elevations
  • Entropy and potential energy
  • Longitudinal channel profile
  • Law of average stream fall
  • Entropy, horton-strahler order, magnitude, and fractal dimension
  • Scaling properties
  • Horton-strahler equations
  • Streambed profile
  • Stream meandering
  • Stream order as a measure of sample source uncertainty
  • Watershed surface description
  • Case study
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 5. Evaluation and design of sampling and measurement networks
  • Design considerations
  • Correlation
  • Entropy-based measures
  • Isoinformation
  • Directional information transfer index
  • Information correlation coefficient
  • Total correlation
  • Maximum information minimum redundancy
  • Application to monitoring, evaluation, and design
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • B. Part ii: rainfall and evapotranspiration
  • 6. Precipitation variability
  • Measures of variability
  • Trend and persistence
  • Entropy measures
  • Comparison of entropy and diversity indices
  • Comparison of entropy and variance
  • Rainfall disaggregation
  • Rainfall complexity
  • Entropy scaling
  • Case study 1: precipitation variability
  • Case study 2: rainfall disaggregation
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 7. Rainfall frequency distributions
  • Factors affecting rainfall frequency distributions
  • Derivation of annual maximum rainfall distributions
  • Three generalized distributions
  • Case study 1: evaluation of entropy-based distributions and comparison using observed rainfall data
  • Frequency analysis and idf curves
  • Case study 2: evaluation of entropy-based distributions and comparison using synthetic data
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 8. Evaluation of probabilistic precipitation forecasting
  • Notation
  • Methods for evaluation of probabilistic forecasting
  • Decomposition of brier score
  • Kullback-leibler divergence
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading.
  • 9. Assessment of potential water resources availability
  • Entropy as a measure of temporal rainfall apportionment
  • Assessment of water resources availability
  • Case study: japan
  • Case study: worldwide mapping of pwra
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 10. Evaporation
  • Extremum principle for evaporation from land surfaces
  • Extremum principle
  • Transpiration
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • C. Part iii: subsurface flow
  • 11. Infiltration
  • Preliminaries
  • Derivation of infiltration equations
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 12. Soil moisture
  • Soil moisture zone
  • Soil moisture profile
  • Estimation of soil moisture profile
  • Derivation of soil moisture profiles
  • Mean soil moisture content
  • Soil moisture variation in time
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 13. Groundwater flow
  • One-constraint formulation
  • Two-constraint formulation
  • Inverse problems
  • Inverse linear problem
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • D. Part iv: surface flow
  • 14. Rainfall-runoff modeling
  • Runoff volume by scs-cn method
  • Instantaneous unit hydrograph
  • Volume-peak discharge relation
  • Derivation of peak discharge rating curve
  • Rational method
  • Linear reservoir model
  • Appendix 14a: derivation of a general probability distribution
  • Appendix 14b: derivation of exponential, gamma, and lognormal probability distributions
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 15. Stream flow simulation
  • Simulation models
  • Stream flow simulation at a single site
  • A case study: testing with synthetic data
  • A case study: simulation of monthly stream flow
  • Entropy-copula method for single-site stream flow simulation
  • Entropy-copula method for multisite stream flow simulation
  • Appendix 15a: bivariate copulas and their corresponding conditional distributions
  • Appendix 15b: trivariate copulas and their corresponding conditional distributions
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 16. Hydrologic frequency analysis
  • General derivation of a probability distribution
  • General probability distribution
  • Truncated normal distribution
  • Bivariate rainfall-runoff analysis
  • Flow duration curve
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 17. Stream flow forecasting
  • Preliminaries for stream flow forecasting
  • Maximum entropy spectral analysis for stream flow forecasting
  • Burg entropy spectral analysis
  • Configuration entropy spectral analysis
  • Minimum relative entropy (cross?entropy) spectral analysis
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • E. Part v: environmental conditions
  • 18. River flow regime classification
  • Flow regime classification using clustering
  • Regime classification using the uncertainty coefficient
  • Regime classification and measure of flow stability
  • Interpretation of instability index
  • Grouping of river flow regimes by cross entropy
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 19. Sediment yield
  • Erosion process: preliminaries
  • Consideration of probability
  • Application of entropy theory
  • Sediment graph
  • Unit sediment graph
  • Conditional probability distribution of sediment yield
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading
  • 20. Eco-index
  • Indicators of hydrologic alteration
  • Probability distributions of iha parameters
  • Computation of nonsatisfaction eco-level
  • Computation of eco-index
  • Case study: application to mekong ecosystem
  • Questions
  • References
  • Further reading.