Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part III: Automobile transportation-traffic, streets, and highways
  • Part IV: Non-automobile transportation
  • Part V: Safety, noise, and air quality.
  • Traffic engineering analysis / Baher Abdulhai
  • Traffic origin-destination estimation / Lina Kattan
  • Traffic congestion / Kara Kockelman
  • Highway capacity / Lily Elefteriadou
  • Traffic control systems: freeway management and communications / Richard W. Denney, Jr.
  • Traffic signals / Richard W. Denney, Jr.
  • Highway sign visibility / Philip M. Garvey
  • Roadway transportation lighting / John D. Bullough
  • Geometric design of streets and highways / Brian Wolshon
  • Intersection and interchange design / Joseph E. Hummer
  • Pavement engineering I: flexible pavements / Qian Zhang
  • Pavement engineering II: rigid pavements / Julian Mills-Beale
  • Pavement testing and evaluation / Julian Mills-Beale
  • Modern bridge engineering / Mohiuddin Ali Khan
  • Tunnel engineering / Dimitrios Kolymbas
  • Pedestrians / Ronald W. Eck
  • Bicycle transportation / Lisa Aultman-Hall
  • The spectrum of automated guideway transit (agt) and its applications / Rongfang (Rachel) Liu
  • Railway vehicle engineering / Keith L. Hawthorne
  • Railway track design / Ernest T. Selig
  • Improvement of railroad yard operations / Sudhir Kumar
  • Modern aircraft design techniques / William H. Mason
  • Airport design / William R. Graves
  • Air traffic control system design / Robert Britcher
  • Maritime transport and ship design / Apostolos Papanikolaou
  • Oil and gas pipeline engineering / Thomas Miesner
  • Traffic safety / Rune Elvik
  • Transportation hazards / Thomas J. Cova
  • Hazardous materials transportation / Linda R. Taylor
  • Incident management / Ahmed Abdel-Rahim
  • Security and survivability of surface transportation networks / Ahmed Abdel-Rahim
  • Optimization of emergency evacuation plans / Ahmed Abdel-Rahim
  • Transportation noise issues / Judith L. Rochat
  • Transportation-related air quality / Shauna L. Hallmark
  • Climate change and transportation / Zhong-Ren Peng.