Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Overview
  • MRP in the modern world
  • The four critical questions answered
  • Inventory in a manufacturing environment
  • Principles of materials requirements planning
  • The material requirements planning system
  • Processing logic
  • Lot sizing
  • System records and files
  • A new way of looking at things
  • Product definition
  • Master production schedule
  • More than an inventory control system
  • System effectiveness: a function of design and use
  • Industry effect on MRP
  • Project manufacturing
  • Remanufacturing
  • Process industry application
  • Repetitive manufacturing application
  • Sales and operations planning
  • Historical context
  • Blueprint for the future: demand-driven MRP logic
  • Strategic inventory positioning
  • Buffer profiles and level determination
  • Dynamic buffers
  • Demand-driven planning
  • Highly visible and collaborative execution
  • Demand-driven material requirements planning (DDMRP) performance reporting and analytics
  • DDMRP future
  • A. Joseph Orlicky's contributions to material requirements planning
  • B. Definitions: APICS terms and their place in DDMRP
  • C. New terms in demand-driven material requirements planning
  • D. To my best recollection: the eras of material requirements planning with packaged software.