
Applied univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistics using Python /

"This book is an elementary beginner's introduction to applied statistics using Python. It for the most part assumes no prior knowledge of statistics or data analysis, though a prior introductory course is desirable. It can be appropriately used in a 16-week course in statistics or data an...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Denis, Daniel J., 1974- (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • 1. A Brief Introduction and Overview of Applied Statistics
  • 1.1 How Statistical Inference Works
  • 1.2 Statistics and Decision-Making
  • 1.3 Quantifying Error Rates in Decision-Making: Type I and Type II Errors
  • 1.4 Estimation of Parameters
  • 1.5 Essential Philosophical Principles for Applied Statistics
  • 1.6 Continuous vs. Discrete Variables
  • 1.6.1 Continuity Is Not Always Clear-Cut
  • 1.7 Using Abstract Systems to Describe Physical Phenomena: Understanding Numerical vs. Physical Differences
  • 1.8 Data Analysis, Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data
  • 1.9 "Training" and "Testing" Models: What "Statistical Learning" Means in the Age of Machine Learning and Data Science
  • 1.10 Where We Are Going From Here: How to Use This Book
  • Review Exercises
  • 2. Introduction to Python and the Field of Computational Statistics
  • 2.1 The Importance of Specializing in Statistics and Research, Not Python: Advice for Prioritizing Your Hierarchy
  • 2.2 How to Obtain Python
  • 2.3 Python Packages
  • 2.4 Installing a New Package in Python
  • 2.5 Computing z-Scores in Python
  • 2.6 Building a Dataframe in Python: And Computing Some Statistical Functions
  • 2.7 Importing a .txt or .csv File
  • 2.8 Loading Data into Python
  • 2.9 Creating Random Data in Python
  • 2.10 Exploring Mathematics in Python
  • 2.11 Linear and Matrix Algebra in Python: Mechanics of Statistical Analyses
  • 2.11.1 Operations on Matrices
  • 2.11.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Review Exercises
  • 3. Visualization in Python: Introduction to Graphs and Plots
  • 3.1 Aim for Simplicity and Clarity in Tables and Graphs: Complexity is for Fools!
  • 3.2 State Population Change Data
  • 3.3 What Do the Numbers Tell Us? Clues to Substantive Theory
  • 3.4 The Scatterplot
  • 3.5 Correlograms
  • 3.6 Histograms and Bar Graphs.
  • 3.7 Plotting Side-by-Side Histograms
  • 3.8 Bubble Plots
  • 3.9 Pie Plots
  • 3.10 Heatmaps
  • 3.11 Line Charts
  • 3.12 Closing Thoughts
  • Review Exercises
  • 4. Simple Statistical Techniques for Univariate and Bivariate Analyses
  • 4.1 Pearson Product-Moment Correlation
  • 4.2 A Pearson Correlation Does Not (Necessarily) Imply Zero Relationship
  • 4.3 Spearman's Rho
  • 4.4 More General Comments on Correlation: Don't Let a Correlation Impress You Too Much!
  • 4.5 Computing Correlation in Python
  • 4.6 T-Tests for Comparing Means
  • 4.7 Paired-Samples t-Test in Python
  • 4.8 Binomial Test
  • 4.9 The Chi-Squared Distribution and Goodness-of-Fit Test
  • 4.10 Contingency Tables
  • Review Exercises
  • 5. Power, Effect Size, P-Values, and Estimating Required Sample Size Using Python
  • 5.1 What Determines the Size of a P-Value?
  • 5.2 How P-Values Are a Function of Sample Size
  • 5.3 What is Effect Size?
  • 5.4 Understanding Population Variability in the Context of Experimental Design
  • 5.5 Where Does Power Fit into All of This?
  • 5.6 Can You Have Too Much Power? Can a Sample Be Too Large?
  • 5.7 Demonstrating Power Principles in Python: Estimating Power or Sample Size
  • 5.8 Demonstrating the Influence of Effect Size
  • 5.9 The Influence of Significance Levels on Statistical Power
  • 5.10 What About Power and Hypothesis Testing in the Age of "Big Data"?
  • 5.11 Concluding Comments on Power, Effect Size, and Significance Testing
  • Review Exercises
  • 6. Analysis of Variance
  • 6.1 T-Tests for Means as a "Special Case" of ANOVA
  • 6.2 Why Not Do Several t-Tests?
  • 6.3 Understanding ANOVA Through an Example
  • 6.4 Evaluating Assumptions in ANOVA
  • 6.5 ANOVA in Python
  • 6.6 Effect Size for Teacher
  • 6.7 Post-Hoc Tests Following the ANOVA F-Test
  • 6.8 A Myriad of Post-Hoc Tests
  • 6.9 Factorial ANOVA
  • 6.10 Statistical Interactions.
  • 6.11 Interactions in the Sample Are a Virtual Guarantee: Interactions in the Population Are Not
  • 6.12 Modeling the Interaction Term
  • 6.13 Plotting Residuals
  • 6.14 Randomized Block Designs and Repeated Measures
  • 6.15 Nonparametric Alternatives
  • 6.15.1 Revisiting What "Satisfying Assumptions" Means: A Brief Discussion and Suggestion of How to Approach the Decision Regarding Nonparametrics
  • 6.15.2 Your Experience in the Area Counts
  • 6.15.3 What If Assumptions Are Truly Violated?
  • 6.15.4 Mann-Whitney U Test
  • 6.15.5 Kruskal-Wallis Test as a Nonparametric Alternative to ANOVA
  • Review Exercises
  • 7. Simple and Multiple Linear Regression
  • 7.1 Why Use Regression?
  • 7.2 The Least-Squares Principle
  • 7.3 Regression as a "New" Least-Squares Line
  • 7.4 The Population Least-Squares Regression Line
  • 7.5 How to Estimate Parameters in Regression
  • 7.6 How to Assess Goodness of Fit?
  • 7.7 R2
  • Coefficient of Determination
  • 7.8 Adjusted R2
  • 7.9 Regression in Python
  • 7.10 Multiple Linear Regression
  • 7.11 Defining the Multiple Regression Model
  • 7.12 Model Specification Error
  • 7.13 Multiple Regression in Python
  • 7.14 Model-Building Strategies: Forward, Backward, Stepwise
  • 7.15 Computer-Intensive "Algorithmic" Approaches
  • 7.16 Which Approach Should You Adopt?
  • 7.17 Concluding Remarks and Further Directions: Polynomial Regression
  • Review Exercises
  • 8. Logistic Regression and the Generalized Linear Model
  • 8.1 How Are Variables Best Measured? Are There Ideal Scales on Which a Construct Should Be Targeted?
  • 8.2 The Generalized Linear Model
  • 8.3 Logistic Regression for Binary Responses: A Special Subclass of the Generalized Linear Model
  • 8.4 Logistic Regression in Python
  • 8.5 Multiple Logistic Regression
  • 8.5.1 A Model with Only Lag1
  • 8.6 Further Directions
  • Review Exercises.
  • 9. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Discriminant Analysis
  • 9.1 Why Technically Most Univariate Models are Actually Multivariate
  • 9.2 Should I Be Running a Multivariate Model?
  • 9.3 The Discriminant Function
  • 9.4 Multivariate Tests of Significance: Why They Are Different from the F-Ratio
  • 9.4.1 Wilks' Lambda
  • 9.4.2 Pillai's Trace
  • 9.4.3 Roy's Largest Root
  • 9.4.4 Lawley-Hotelling's Trace
  • 9.5 Which Multivariate Test to Use?
  • 9.6 Performing MANOVA in Python
  • 9.7 Effect Size for MANOVA
  • 9.8 Linear Discriminant Function Analysis
  • 9.9 How Many Discriminant Functions Does One Require?
  • 9.10 Discriminant Analysis in Python: Binary Response
  • 9.11 Another Example of Discriminant Analysis: Polytomous Classification
  • 9.12 Bird's Eye View of MANOVA, ANOVA, Discriminant Analysis, and Regression: A Partial Conceptual Unification
  • 9.13 Models "Subsumed" Under the Canonical Correlation Framework
  • Review Exercises
  • 10. Principal Components Analysis
  • 10.1 What Is Principal Components Analysis?
  • 10.2 Principal Components as Eigen Decomposition
  • 10.3 PCA on Correlation Matrix
  • 10.4 Why Icebergs Are Not Good Analogies for PCA
  • 10.5 PCA in Python
  • 10.6 Loadings in PCA: Making Substantive Sense Out of an Abstract Mathematical Entity
  • 10.7 Naming Components Using Loadings: A Few Issues
  • 10.8 Principal Components Analysis on USA Arrests Data
  • 10.9 Plotting the Components
  • Review Exercises
  • 11. Exploratory Factor Analysis
  • 11.1 The Common Factor Analysis Model
  • 11.2 Factor Analysis as a Reproduction of the Covariance Matrix
  • 11.3 Observed vs. Latent Variables: Philosophical Considerations
  • 11.4 So, Why is Factor Analysis Controversial? The Philosophical Pitfalls of Factor Analysis
  • 11.5 Exploratory Factor Analysis in Python
  • 11.6 Exploratory Factor Analysis on USA Arrests Data.
  • Review Exercises
  • 12. Cluster Analysis
  • 12.1 Cluster Analysis vs. ANOVA vs. Discriminant Analysis
  • 12.2 How Cluster Analysis Defines "Proximity"
  • 12.2.1 Euclidean Distance
  • 12.3 K-Means Clustering Algorithm
  • 12.4 To Standardize or Not?
  • 12.5 Cluster Analysis in Python
  • 12.6 Hierarchical Clustering
  • 12.7 Hierarchical Clustering in Python
  • Review Exercises
  • References
  • Index
  • EULA.