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|a Multiple roles of clays in radioactive waste confinement: introduction / Norris, S. -- Identification of log units in clay rock formations based on local and spatial statistics of well-log properties: application to the Opalinus claystone in the Benken borehole / Rabaute, A., Garcia, M.H. & Becker, J. -- Automatic interpretation of geophysical well logs / Alcolea Rodríguez, A., Marschall, P., Nussbaum, C. & Becker, J.K. -- A prediction-evaluation approach to the full-scale emplacement experiment (FE) in Mont Terri / Papafotiou, A., Senger, R., Li, C., Singh, A., Garitte, B., Müller, H. & Marschall, P. -- New results of Boda Claystone research: Genesis, mineralogy, geochemistry, petrophysics / Fedor, F., Máthé, Z., Ács, P. & Koroncz, P. -- Site screening of clay formations in NW China as host rocks for a high-level radioactive waste disposal repository / Liu, X., Liu, P., Dai, C., Liu, S., Deng, J., Zhang, W., & Yu, Z. -- Multiphase flow and underpressured shale at the Bruce nuclear site, Ontario, Canada / Plampin, M.R., & Neuzil, C.E. -- Development of a mathematical model for gas migration (two-phase flow) in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste disposal / Dagher, E.E., Nguyen, T.S., & Infante Sedano, J.A. -- A workflow for parametric sensitivity analysis of heat and gas release from a deep geological repository for SF/HLW / Papafotiou, A., Namhata, A., Singh, A., Williams, M., Jigmond, M. & Marschall, P. -- A study of methods to prevent piping and erosion in buffer materials intended for a vertical deposition hole at the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory / Jo, M., Ono, M., Nakayama, M., Asano, H. & Ishii, T. -- Preliminary results for natural groundwater colloids in sedimentary rocks of the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory, Hokkaido, Japan / Sasamoto, H. & Onda, S. -- A resistivity-based approach to determining the rates of groundwater seepage into buffer materials / Ishii, T., Kawakubo, M., Asano, H., Kobayashi, I., Sellin, P., Luterkort, D. & Eriksson, P. -- Self-sealing of claystone under X-ray nanotomography / Giot, R., Auvray, C. & Talandier, J. -- Kinetics of selenite interactions with Boom Clay: adsorption-reduction interplay / Hoving, A.L., Münch, M.A., Bruggeman, C., Banerjee, D. & Behrends, T. -- Modelling the Prototype Repository / Tsitsopoulos, V., Baxter, S., Holton, D., Dodd, J., Williams, S. & Thompson, S. -- Conceptual uncertainties in modelling the interaction between engineered and natural barriers of nuclear waste repositories in crystalline rocks / Finsterle, S., Lanyon, B., Åkesson, M., Baxter, S., Bergström, M., Bockård, N., Dershowitz, W., Dessirier, B., Frampton, A., Frannson, Å., Gens, A., Gylling, B., Hančilová, I., Holton, D., Jarsjö, J., Kim, J.-S., Kröhn, K.-P., Malmberg, D., Pulkkanen, V.M., Sawada, A., Sjöland, A., Svennson, U., Vidstrand, P., & Viswanathan, H. -- Predictions of the wetting of bentonite emplaced in a crystalline rock based on generic site characterization data / Baxter, S., Holton, D., Williams, S. & Thompson, S. -- Analysis of corrosion mechanisms of carbon steel in contact with FEBEX bentonite / Uyama, M., Hitomi, T., Hayagane, S., Kadota, N., Saito, H., Okamoto, S., Aoshima, K. & Osawa, M. -- Safety concept, FEP catalogue and scenario development as fundamentals of a long-term safety demonstration for high-level waste repositories in German clay formations / Lommerzheim, A., Jobmann, M., Meleshyn, A., Mrugalla, S., Rübel, A. & Stark, L. -- Preliminary non-intrusive geophysical electrical resistivity tomography surveys of a mock-up scale monitoring of an engineered barrier system at URL Tournemire / Lopes, B., de C.F.L., Sachet, C., Sentenac, P., Beneš, V., Dick, P., Bertrand, J. & Tarantino, A. -- The Enhanced Sealing Project (ESP): 2009-17 monitoring of a full-scale shaft seal installed in granitic rock / Dixon, D., Priyanto, D., Hansen, J., Farhoud, R. & Živković, A. -- Index.