Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover (The Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise); Front Matter; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; Introduction; Definitions in This Book; About the Authors; About the Demand Driven Institute; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1; Don't Be a Dodo; Striving for Coherence and Resiliency; Flow as an Objective and Purpose for Systems and Subsystems; Plossl's Law; The River Analogy; Cost and Flow; Variability and Flow; The Rise of VUCA; Relevance Found; A New Appreciation for the Bullwhip Effect; Summary; Chapter 2; The Prerequisites for Relevant Information; Prerequisite #1: Understanding Relevant Ranges
  • Prerequisite #2: Tactical Reconciliation Between Relevant RangesPrerequisite #3: A Flow-Based Operating Model; Prerequisite #4: Flow-Based Metrics; Convention's Failure with the Four Prerequisites; Convention and Relevant Ranges; Convention and Tactical Reconciliation; Convention and Flow-Based Operating Models; Convention and Flow-Based Metrics; Is Your Organization Ready for Flow?; Summary; Chapter 3; The Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise Model; The Three Components of the DDAE Model; What's Behind the DDAE Name?; Why Demand Driven?; Why Adaptive?; Why Enterprise?; Summary; Chapter 4
  • The Demand Driven Operating ModelDDOM Element #1: Strategic Decoupling Points; What Is Decoupling?; Where to Decouple?; Decoupled Lead Time; DDOM Element #2: Strategic Control Points; DDOM Element #3: Dynamic Buffering; Stock Buffers; Sizing Decoupling Point Buffers; Green Zone Calculation; Yellow Zone Calculation; The Red Zone; Adjusting Decoupling Point Buffers; Replenishing Decoupling Point Buffers; Time Buffers; Capacity Buffers; DDOM Element #4: Pacing to Actual Demand; The Operational Relevant Range; Operational Flow-Based Metrics; Summary; Chapter 5
  • Demand Driven Sales and Operations PlanningThe Tactical Relevant Range; The Elements of Demand Driven Sales & Operations Planning; Tactical Review; The Resource 5 Review; The FPC Shipping Buffer Review; The FP2 Buffer Review; Tactical Projection; Tactical Configuration and Reconciliation; Protecting Resource 5 and the FPC Shipping Buffer; FP2 Stock Buffer Migration; Dealing with the Future Shutdown; Tactical Exploitation; Strategic Recommendation; Strategic Projection; Decoupling Points; Resources; Financial Implications; Tactical Metrics; Summary; Chapter 6
  • Adaptive Sales and Operations PlanningWhat Is Sales & Operations Planning?; The Strategic Relevant Range; Adaptive S & OP Starting Assumptions; The Seven Steps of Adaptive S Step 1-Portfolio and New Activities; Step 2-Demand Plan; Sales Planning; Demand Creation; Demand Planning; Demand Execution; Forecasts Ranges and Forecast Error Ranges; Step 3-Supply Plan; Step 4-Financial Plan; Step 5-Integrated Reconciliation; Step 6-Demand Driven S Step 7-Management Review; Strategic Metrics; Summary; Chapter 7; Closing the Loop with the DDAE Model; A Model Built for Relevant Information