Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • The author
  • 1. Overview of stabilisation ponds
  • 2. Facultative ponds
  • 2.1 Introduction
  • 2.2 Description of the process
  • 2.3 Influence of algae
  • 2.4 Influence of environmental conditions
  • 2.5 Design criteria
  • 2.6 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration
  • 2.7 Pond arrangements
  • 2.8 Sludge accumulation
  • 2.9 Operational characteristics
  • 2.10 Polishing of pond effluents
  • 3. System of anaerobic ponds followed by facultative ponds
  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Description of the process
  • 3.3 Design criteria for anaerobic ponds3.4 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration from the anaerobic pond
  • 3.5 Design of facultative ponds following anaerobic pond
  • 3.6 Sludge accumulation in anaerobic ponds
  • 4. Facultative aerated lagoons
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Description of the process
  • 4.3 Design criteria
  • 4.4 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration
  • 4.5 Oxygen requirements
  • 4.6 Aeration system
  • 4.7 Power requirements
  • 4.8 Sludge accumulation
  • 5. Complete-mix aerated lagoons followed by sedimentation ponds
  • 5.1 Introduction5.2 Description of the process
  • 5.3 Design criteria for the complete-mix aerated lagoons
  • 5.4 Estimation of the effluent BOD concentration from the aerated lagoon
  • 5.5 Oxygen requirements in the aerated lagoon
  • 5.6 Power requirements in the aerated lagoon
  • 5.7 Design of the sedimentation pond
  • 6. Removal of pathogenic organisms
  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Process description
  • 6.3 Estimation of the effluent coliform concentration
  • 6.4 Quality requirements for the effluent
  • 6.5 Design criteria for coliform removal
  • 6.6 Removal of helminth eggs7. Nutrient removal in ponds
  • 7.1 Nitrogen removal
  • 7.2 Phosphorus removal
  • 8. Ponds for the post-treatment of the effluent from anaerobic reactors
  • 9. Construction of stabilisation ponds
  • 9.1 Introduction
  • 9.2 Location of the ponds
  • 9.3 Deforestation, cleaning and excavation of the soil
  • 9.4 Slopes
  • 9.5 Bottom of the ponds
  • 9.6 Inlet devices
  • 9.7 Outlet devices
  • 10. Maintenance and operation of stabilisation ponds
  • 10.1 Introduction
  • 10.2 Operational staff
  • 10.3 Inspection, sampling and measurements10.4 Operation start-up
  • 10.5 Operational problems
  • 11. Management of the sludge from stabilisation ponds
  • 11.1 Preliminaries
  • 11.2 Characteristics and distribution of the sludge in stabilisation ponds
  • 11.3 Removal of sludge from stabilisation ponds
  • References