Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Purpose of Report
  • 1.2 Scope of Report
  • 1.3 Related NCRP Recommendations
  • 2. Definition and Principles of Performance Assessment
  • 2.1 Nature of Performance Assessment
  • 2.2 Definition of Performance Assessment
  • 2.3 General Principles of Performance Assessment
  • 2.4 Balance Between Conservatism and Realism in Performance Assessment
  • 3. Context for Performance Assessment
  • 3.1 Definition of Low-Level Radioactive Waste
  • 3.2 Sources and Properties of Low-Level Waste
  • 3.3 ICRP Recommendations on Disposal of Radioactive Waste3.4 Requirements for Near- Surface Disposal of Low-Level Waste
  • 3.5 Other Concepts in Performance Assessment
  • 4. Framework for Performance Assessment
  • 4.1 Data Collection, Conceptual Models, and Mathematical Models
  • 4.2 Process for Conducting Performance Assessments
  • 5. Performance Assessment Models
  • 5.1 General Approach to Modeling of Disposal Systems
  • 5.2 Cover Performance and Infiltration
  • 5.3 Performance of Concrete Barriers
  • 5.4 Source Term
  • 5.5 Unsaturated Zone Flow and Transport
  • 5.6 Aquifer Flow5.7 Radionuclide Transport in Groundwater and Surface Water
  • 5.8 Atmospheric Transport Analysis
  • 5.9 Biotic Transport
  • 5.10 Exposure Pathways and Radiological Impacts
  • 6. Inadvertent Human Intrusion
  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Role of Inadvertent Human Intrusion in Radioactive Waste Disposal
  • 6.3 Widely Used Scenarios for Inadvertent Intrusion
  • 6.4 Selection of Site-Specific Scenarios for Inadvertent Intrusion
  • 6.5 Inputs to Dose Analyses for Inadvertent Intruders
  • 6.6 Outputs of Dose Analyses for Inadvertent Intruders
  • 6.7 Effects of Inadvertent Intrusion on Off-Site Releases of Radionuclides6.8 Summary
  • 7. Uncertainty, Sensitivity and Importance Analysis
  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Description of Importance Analysis
  • 7.3 Purpose of Importance Analysis
  • 7.4 Nature of Uncertainties in Performance Assessment
  • 7.5 Mathematical Methods of Treating Uncertainty
  • 7.6 Role of Sensitivity Analysis in Importance Analysis
  • 7.7 Application of Uncertainty Analysis to Importance Analysis
  • 7.8 Summary
  • 8. Summary
  • 8.1 Purpose and Scope of Performance Assessment
  • 8.2 Basic Elements of Performance Assessment8.3 Components of Performance Assessment Modeling
  • 8.4 Inadvertent Human Intrusion
  • 8.5 Uncertainty, Sensitivity and Importance Analysis
  • 8.6 Iterative Nature of Performance Assessment
  • 8.7 Reasonable Assurance of Compliance with Performance Objectives
  • Glossary
  • References
  • The NCRP
  • NCRP Publications
  • Index