Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Central and Federal Legislation and Their Instruments for Regional Development / Klaus-Achim Boesler
  • 2. Subnational Regional Policies in the United States / Niles Hansen
  • 3. The Federal System of the Federal Republic of Germany / Peter Scholler
  • 4. Conceptions and Strategies on Regional Development in the Federal Republic of Germany / Dietrich Bartels
  • 5. Federal Outlays and Regional Development / Clyde E. Browining
  • 6. Corporate Organization and Regional Development in the American Federal System: Theory and Policy Perspectives / Gunter Krumme
  • 7. The Impact of Defense Spending on Regional Industrial Change in the United States / John Rees
  • 8. Federal Housing Policy and Local Housing Markets / John S. Adams
  • 9. Regional Population Development Within the Federal Republic of Germany / Werner Fricke
  • 10. Federal Policy, Migration and the Changing Geography of the U.S. Population / Patricia Gober
  • 11. National Land Use Policies in the United States: Ex Plurbus Nullum / Rutherford H. Platt
  • 12. Programs for Infrastructural Development in Rural Areas / Georg Kluczka
  • 13. Jurisdictional Issues Regarding Federal and State Policy Regulations: Use and Exploitation of Coastal and Offshore Resources / Lewis M. Alexander
  • 14. National and regional Influences on the Postwar Development of the West German Inland Waterways (with Particular Consideration of Water Pollution) / Helmut W. Breuer
  • 15. The Spatial Distribution of the U.S. Federal Transportation Dollar: Implications for Regional Development / Ronald Biggs
  • 16. Federal Impacts on Energy Development and Environmental Management in the American West / Robin W. Doughty
  • 18. The Federal Role in U.S. Wildlife Conservations with Reference to the American Southwest / Robin Doughty
  • 19. Regional Development Programs and Their Effectiveness in Areas Along the Eastern Border of West Germany / Karl Lenz
  • 20. West Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany / Burkhard Hofmeister
  • 21. The Postwar Development of Cologne: A Case Study of the Impact of Federal and State Authorities and Assistance Upon a Large Urban Community / Reinhart Zschocke
  • 22. State Growth Management in a Federal System: The Example in Hawaii / Willard T. Chow and Roland J. Fuchs
  • 23. Regional Development Policies by the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein: The Program North / Karl Weigand.