Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Carolyn Hamilton
  • Putting the Mfecane Controversy into Historiographical Context / Norman Etherington
  • 1. Pre-Cobbing Mfecane Historiography / Christopher Saunders
  • 2. Old Wine in New Bottles: The Persistence of Narrative Structures in the Historiography of the Mfecane and the Great Trek / Norman Etherington
  • 3. Hunter-Gatherers, Traders and Slaves: The 'Mfecane' Impact on Bushmen, Their Ritual and Their Art / Thomas A. Dowson
  • 4. Language and Assassination: Cultural Negations in White Writers' Portrayal of Shaka and the Zulu / Dan Wylie
  • Beyond the Concept of the 'Zulu Explosion': Comments on the Current Debate / John Wright
  • 5. Sources of Conflict in Southern Africa c. 1800-1830: The Mfecane Reconsidered / Elizabeth A. Eldredge
  • 6. Political Transformations in the Thukela-Mzimkhulu Region in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries / John Wright
  • 7. 'The Character and Objects of Chaka': A Reconsideration of the Making of Shaka as Mfecane Motor / Carolyn Hamilton
  • 8. Matiwane's Road to Mbholompo: A Reprieve for the Mfecane? / Jeff Peires
  • 9. Unmasking the Fingo: The War of 1835 Revisited / Alan Webster
  • 10. The Mfecane Survives its Critics / John Omer-Cooper
  • 'The time of troubles' Difaqane in the Interior / Neil Parsons
  • 11. Archaeological Indicators for Stress in the Western Transvaal Region between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries / Simon Hall.
  • 12. Prelude to Difaqane in the Interior of Southern Africa c. 1600-c. 1822 / Neil Parsons
  • 13. Conflict in the Western Highveld/Southern Kalahari c. 1750-1820 / Andrew Manson
  • 14. 'Hungry Wolves': The Impact of Violence on Rolong Life, 1823-1836 / Margaret Kinsman
  • 15. The Battle of Dithakong and 'Mfecane' Theory / Guy Hartley
  • 16. Untapped Sources: Slave Exports from Southern and Central Namibia up to c. 1850 / Jan-Bart Gewald.