Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgments
  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction: Social justice reconsidered
  • Taparelli's realist social science
  • I. Taparelli and the age of ideology. The religious question from the Middle Ages to the nineteeth century ; Traditionalists and liberals in the Restorationist period ; Eclecticism and Taparelli's "conversion" to scholastic philosophy
  • II. Taparelli and the revival of scholastic natural law reasoning. The scholastic revival: the appeal of Thomism ; Metaphysics and methodoogy in the Saggio teroretico ; Taparelli and the development of modern Catholic social teaching
  • III. Social justice and subsidiarity. The problem of social justice ; Introduction to subsidiarity ; Genealogy of the idea of subsidiarity ; Natural, voluntary, and dutiful societies ; Authority and the common good ; Principles of subsidiarity in practice
  • IV. Social justice and subsidiarity as complementary principles. A coherent account of social justice ; Social justice and subsidiarity applied: social economics
  • Conclusion: Taparelli's realist social science. Summary of the argument ; The development of Catholic social teaching
  • Charts. 1. Self-interest rightly understood: the three motors of human will/action ; 2. Subsidiarity: sociality and hypotactical society ; 3. From natural right to subjective rights to social justice ; 4. Social justice, subsidiarity, and social economy
  • Appendix. Luigi Taparelli, SJ, "Treatise on subsidiarity"
  • Bibliography
  • Index