
Origeniana Duodecima : Origen's Legacy in the Holy Land - a Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem. Proceedings of the 12th International Origen Congress, Jerusalem, 25-29 June 2017.

"The 12th Origeniana conference took place at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, in June 2017. The theme of the conference was 'Origen's Legacy in the Holy Land - A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem'. The present volume contains a large selection fr...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Bitton-Ashkelony, B.
Otros Autores: Irshai, O., Kofsky, A., Newman, H., Perrone, L.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leuven : Peeters Publishers & Booksellers, 2019.
Colección:Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium Ser.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Origen and his legacy in the "Holy Land" : fortune and misfortune of a literary and theological heritage / Lorenzo Perrone
  • Bethabara and Gergesa (Origen, Commentary on John VI,204-211): geographical digression or exegesis? / Agnès Aliau-Milhaud
  • Mambré: du chêne de la vision au lieu de pèlerinage / Marie-Odile Boulnois
  • Pascha in third-century Palestine: Origen's newly identified Homilies on the Psalms / Harald Buchinger
  • The fall of Jerusalem in Origen's newly discovered Homilies on the Psalms / Antonio Cacciari
  • "Mother of souls" : the holy city of Jerusalem in Origen's Commentary and Homilies on the Song of songs / Lavinia Cerioni
  • From Capernaum to Jerusalem: noetic history and historical occurrences in Origen's sacred geography of the Holy Land / Giovanni Hermanin de Reichenfeld
  • "A place to worship the Lord our God" : Origen's exegesis of the Holy Land in his Homilies on the Prophets / Tommaso Interi
  • Early Christian tradition about Adam's burial on Golgotha and Origen / Nikolai Lipatov-Chicherin
  • "Jerusalem ... is the divine soul" (FrLam VIII): the Holy Land in Origen's early works / Valentina Marchetto
  • Local knowledge vs. religious imaging: Origen and the Holy Land / Christoph Markschies
  • The city of God and the cities of men according to Origen / Emanuela Prinzivalli
  • Die Stufen des Tempels: zur Auslegung der Gradualpsalmen bei Origenes / Franz Xaver Risch
  • Porphyry at Origen's school at Caesarea / Pier Franco Beatrice
  • Studying the Scriptures at the school of Caesarea: the testimony of Gregory of Neocaesarea's Oratio panegyrica / Francesco Celia
  • Eusebius of Caesarea's defense of Origen in Contra Marcellum I,4,1-27 / Mark DelCogliano
  • Alexandrie et Césarée: la continuité de l'itinéraire pédagogique d'Origène / Pedro Daniel Fernández
  • Origen, copyists, and books of Aggada / Marc Hirshman
  • Cities divine and demonic in Eusebius of Caesarea / Aaron P. Johnson
  • Eusèbe de Césarée, Jérusalem et la Palestine: une question controversée / Adele Monaci Castagno
  • [Symphōnia]: symphonic exegesis from Origen to Eusebius of Caesarea / Sébastian Morlet
  • Caesarea maritima in the time of Origen / Joseph Patrich
  • Origen, Jerome's Pauline prefaces, and the architecture of exegetical authority / Andrew Cain
  • Bible and/or tradition in the works of Origen, Rufinus, and Jerome / Maurizio Girolami
  • "Seek and ye shall find" : Rufinus and the search for Origen's Trinitarian orthodoxy / Justin J. Lee
  • Likeness to the angels : Origen, Jerome, and the question of the resurrection body / Katarina Pålsson
  • Psalms as part of the worship in early Christian exegesis / Cordula Bandt.
  • Discerning quotations from Heracleon in Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John / Carl Johan Berglund
  • Jews, Christians, and the conditions of christological interpretation in Origen's work / Andrew Blaski
  • Origen's unique doctrine of the Trinity: its Jewish and Egyptian sources / Gerald Bostock
  • Origen's use of Papias / Stephen C. Carlson
  • History and context of Origen's relation of the two seraphim to the Son and Holy Spirit / Elizabeth Ann Dively Lauro
  • "That man who appeared in Judaea" (Prin II,6,2): the soteriological function of the humanity of the Son of God according to Origen's De principiis / Samuel Fernández
  • Matter and body in Origen's Christian Platonism / Alfons Fürst
  • Origen on body and soul / Anders-Christian Jacobsen
  • The sacrifice of the law in Origen's Homilies on Leviticus / Samuel Johnson
  • Being and becoming in Celsus and Origen / Jussi Pentti Junni
  • Is Romans 9,11 proof for or against the pre-existence of the soul? Origen and Augustine in comparison / Lenka Karfíková
  • Ousia in Origen: the use of the term in light of the Homilies on the Psalms / VIto Limone
  • Origen and the grammtical process of interpretation: [yperbatá] as solutions to solecisms / Francesca Minonne
  • Le lieu de Jésus et la voie négative de l'épinoia dans le Commentaire sur Saint Jean d'Origène / Domenico Pazzini
  • Trois versions de Phinees: Nb 25,7-8 dans la tradition alexandrine (Philo, Origène, Cyrille) / Gianluca Piscini
  • The philosophical premises of Origen's teachings on the subject of Christ as an ontological unity / Anna Zhyrkova
  • The first responses to iconoclasm in Byzantium and Origen's tradition: the cases of Constantinople and Palestine / Vladimir A. Baranov
  • Origen and the glorified body: Bullinger, Sozzini and Calvin in dialogue / Maria Fallica
  • Origen, "destroyer of the holy Scriptures"? Origen and Theodore of Mopsuestia on Ephesians 5,31-32 / Cornelis Hoogerwerf
  • Photius as Origen's reader (and editor) / Raffaele Tondini
  • Evagrius and the Christian interpretation of the Psalms: proposals for further investigations / Robin Darling Young
  • The nous is the head of the soul: remaking Origen's and Evagrius's anthropology for the Church of the East / John Zaleski
  • "Where the human senses become spiritual, faith becomes sensory": corporeality and spiritual senses in Balthasar's reading of Origen / Elisa Zocchi.