Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Lynn Orilla Scott and Curtis Stokes
  • Policing black/brown communities inside/outside the United States : neoliberalism and the rise of the : "carceral state" in the twenty-first century / Darryl C. Thomas
  • Youth of color and Michigan's juvenile justice system / Michelle Weemhoff and Jason Smith
  • Basketballs can be a bitch! / Martin Vargas
  • Behind bars : the current state of U.S. prison literature / D. Quentin Miller
  • Sense of solitary confinement / Phillip "UcciKan" Sample
  • Solo's life narrative : freedom for me was an evolution, not a revolution / Megan Sweeney
  • Outside fences : the rewilding of the motor city viewed from a prison / Rand Gould
  • Criminal justice, disconnected youth and latino males in the United States and in Michigan / Ruben Martinez, Bette Avila, and Barry Lewis
  • Lox (the Wolverine) : the struggle to express a native american identity in the carceral state / Aaron Kinzel
  • Mass incarceration and mental illness : addressing the crisis / Carolyn Pratt Van Wyck and Elizabeth Pratt
  • What works in prisoner reentry : reducing crime, recidivism, and prison populations / Dennis Schrantz
  • Conclusion
  • Contributors
  • Index.