Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Foreword / Natalie Zemon Davis
  • Introduction: Crossing Disciplines, Cultures, Geographies
  • The Emergence of Caribbean Jewish Literary Culture. The Portuguese Jewish Nation: An Enlightenment Essay on the Colony of Surinam / Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger
  • Henrik Hertz and Racial Imagination in the Nineteenth-Century Danish Caribbean / David Gantt Gurley
  • Jamaican Jewish Tricksters: Philip Cohen Labatt's Literary Crossings / Heidi Kaufman
  • Translating Cuba: Language, Race, and Homeland in Cuban-Yiddish Poetry of the 1930s / Rachel Rubinstein
  • Revisiting the Inquisition and the Sephardic Caribbean. David Dabydeen's Hogarth: Blacks, Jews, and Postcolonial Ekphrasis / Sarah Phillips Casteel
  • Jubanidad and the Literary Transmission of Cuban Crypto-Judaism / Leonard Stein
  • Diaspora and Hybridity: Jewish American Women Write the Caribbean / Linda Weinhouse and Efraim Sicher
  • Colonialism and Caribbean Holocaust Memory. Splattering the Object: Césaire, Nazi Racism, and the Colonial / Ben Ratskoff
  • From Shtetl to Settler Colony and Back: André Schwarz-Bart's Morning Star / Kathleen Gyssels
  • Raphaël Confiant and Jewishness: The Fraught Landscapes of French, Martinican, and Franco-Martinican Intellectualisms / Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken
  • Caryl Phillips's Post-Holocaust/Decolonized Interstices and the Levinasian Subjective in Higher Ground and The Nature of Blood / Neil R. Davison
  • Contemporary Voices: Narrative and Poetry. Ema / Anna Ruth Henriques
  • Meeting with Judith / Cynthia McLeod
  • Jewish-Cuban Poems: "Dream of Sefarad," "The Last Perera," "A Father's Tattoo," "Saying Goodbye to La Habana in May" / Ruth Behar
  • On The Nature of Blood and the Ghost of Anne Frank / Caryl Phillips
  • Afterword / Bryan Cheyette.