Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Gallinazo and the tradición norcosteña / Jean-François Millaire
  • The Gallinazo illusion / Christopher B. Donnan
  • Virú-Moche relations : technological identity, stylistic preferences, and the ethnic identity of ceramic manufacturers and users / Krzysztof Makowski
  • Middle Moche and Gallinazo ceramic styles at San José de Moro / Martín del Carpio Perla
  • Urbanism and social change during the Gallinazo and Moche periods in the Chicama Valley / Christopher J. Attarian
  • Gallinazo-style ceramics in early Moche contexts at the El Brujo complex, Chicama Valley / Régulo G. Franco Jordán and César A. Gálvez Mora
  • The Gallinazo at Huacas de Moche : style or culture? / Santiago Uceda Castillo, Henry Gayoso Rullier, and Nadia Gamarra Carranza
  • Biological origins and relations among Cerro Oreja and other prehistoric northern Andean mortuary populations using epigenetic dental traits / Richard C. Sutter
  • Woven identities in the Virú Valley / Jean-François Millaire
  • Gallinazo and Moche at the Santa Rita B archaeological complex, Middle Chao Valley / Jonathan D. Kent ... [et al.]
  • Gallinazo cultural identity in the lower Santa Valley : ceramics, architecture, burial patterns, and sociopolitical organization / Claude Chapdelaine, Víctor Pimentel, and Jorge Gamboa
  • Gallinazo disposal of the dead and manipulation of human remains at El Castillo de Santa / Gérard Gagné
  • Appendix A: Burials at El Castillo
  • Gallinazo, Vicús, and Moche in the development of complex societies along the north coast of Peru / Luis Jaime Castillo Butters
  • Concluding remarks / Peter Kaulicke.