Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; TURNING TO THE WORLD; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Editors' Note; Abbreviations; Prologue The Spirit Lives On: Reflections of a Council Father; Acknowledgments; Introduction; 1 Conscience, Freedom, and Humanism: New Foundations for Catholic Social Teaching at Vatican II; 2 The Social Mission of the Church: An Issue of Dialogue; 3 Moralizing Neoliberalism? An Analysis of the Principle of Subsidiarity in Catholic Social Teaching; 4 Dialogue and Dignity: Linking Nostra Aetate to Catholic Social Justice Teachings
  • 5 Images of Dealing with Social Injustice from Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition: A Resource for Renewed Reflection6 A Voice from the South: Social Justice in the Latin American Church after Vatican II; 7 To the World: Ana Castillo's The Guardians and Literature after Vatican II; 8 An Integral Vision of Peace? Assessing Catholic Social Teaching's Contribution to Contemporary Green Cultures of Peace from Vatican II to Benedict XVI; 9 The Priority of Social Justice at the Second Vatican Council: Canadian Contributions; 10 The Search for the Common Good in Canada; Epilogue; Bibliography; Contributors