
Tiber : Eternal River of Rome.

A natural and social history of the great river of Rome.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Allen, Bruce Ware
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Lebanon, NH : University Press of New England, 2018.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title page; Contents; Introduction; 1 | Gods, Kings, and Men; Father Tiber; Aeneas to Romulus and Remus; Age of Kings; Cloaca Maxima; Three Heroes of the Republic; Valesius, Ogulnius, and Asclepius; Salt; Alien Gods; Cui Bono? Roscius and the Poena Cullei; Cicero and the Woman; Caesar and Cleopatra; Interlude | Tributary-Cremera; 2 | River of Empire; Naumachia; Villas; Augustus and His Tomb; A Million Mouths to Feed; Annona, or the Dole; Eighth Hill of Rome; Stones; How to Shift an Obelisk; Canals; Boats; Suicide; Lurid Tales of Nero; Trajan and His Port; Hadrian and His Tomb.
  • Later Mad EmperorsInterlude | Tributary-Anio; 3 | Christian Tiber; Crisis of the Third Century; Zenobia; Constantine and the Milvian Bridge; A Million More Mouths; Symmachus at Law; Julian the Apostate; Alaric the Goth; Hadrian's Tomb Undone; Barbarians at the Gates; Sidonius Apollinaris; Belisarius's Mills; Procopius the Tourist; Dragons; Gregory the Great; Saracens; Laban/Balan; Formosus; Pornocracy; Interlude | Tributary-Nera; 4 | Darkness and Light; Pope Joan; Copper Bottom; Prophecy of Malachy; Nero-Nuts and Dams; Dante at Ostia; Cola di Rienzo; Holy Years; Of Law and the River.
  • Pontius PilateMartin and Eugenius; Isola Sacra; Pius II Takes a Cruise; Mattei and i Soldati Rossi; Papstesel; Interlude | Tributary-Clitumnus; 5 | Renaissance; Death of a Borgia; Zambo; Papal Boats; The Richest Man in Rome; Water Carriers; Potabile o non potabile?; Paolo Giovio and His Book of Fish; Julius II and Urban Renewal; Bartolomeo Brandano; Cellini, the Sack of Rome, a Flood, and Prison; Two Popes, Three Bridges, Four Heads; Agnus Dei; Michelangelo and His Bridge; Grasshoppers; Sport and Spectacle; Two French Poets; Floods; La Pimpaccia di Piazza Navona; Pope Leo's Elephant.
  • Interlude | Tributary-Chiana6 | Modern Times; Ostia and Portus Redux; Porto di Ripetta; Four French Painters; The Duchess of Kingston; Treasure; In Search of Jewish Gold; Fireworks; Airborne; Mastro Titta, Er dilettante de Ponte; Some Italian Poets; French Polish; English Rose; I Sacconi Rossi; Fishing for Wood; Pius IX; Toto Bigio; Waterborne; Airborne Two; Two War Stories; Epilogue | Tevere incatenato; Acknowledgments; Notes; Select Bibliography; Illustrations.