
(Why) Do Neighbours Cooperate? : Institutionalised Coalitions and Bargaining Power in EU Council Negotiations.

Negotiations in the European Union Council of Ministers are not only taking place within formal decision-making structures. Member states strive to find allies and coordinate their positions prior to formal negotiation meetings. They either create ad hoc coalitions to pool voting power or cooperate...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Ruse, Ilze
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Leverkusen-Opladen : Budrich UniPress, 2012.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover ; Abstract; Acknowledgements; Contents; List of tables and figures; INTRODUCTION; CHAPTER 1; 1.1 Bargaining power in EU negotiations; 1.1.1 Power determinants: structural, issue-specific and behavioural bargaining power; 1.1.2 Power pooling through coalition-building: a view from the rational choice perspective; CHAPTER 2; 2.1 Typology of coalitions in EU negotiations: ad hoc and institutionalised coalitions; 2.1.1 Patterns of coalitions in Council negotiations; 2.1.2 How stable are they?; 2.2 Explaining the effects of institutionalised coalitions on bargaining power.
  • 2.2.1 On the notion of institutionalisation: shared goals, structures and interaction intensity2.2.2 Explaining the effects of institutionalisation: a theoretical framework; 2.3 Brining preferences in; 2.4 Rational choice institutionalism and alternative theoretical explanations; CHAPTER 3; 3.1 Institutionalised coalitions in the EU; 3.2 Territorially constituted coalitions; 3.2.2 Nordic-Baltic cooperation: evaluating the regional potential; 3.3 Task-specific coalitions: beyond the territorial framework; 3.4 Do neighbours cooperate? Evidence from EU negotiations cases; CHAPTER 4.
  • 4.1 The Baltic Sea Strategy 4.2 EU negotiations on climate change; 4.3 The Stockholm Programme; CONCLUSIONS; REFERENCES; Policy documents; Council documents; Media and internet sources; Speeches; ANNEX; List of interviews.