Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part 1. Encounters with Leo Strauss and Natural Right; 1. Reason, Faith, and Law: Catholic Encounters with Leo Strauss; 2. Wine with Plato and Hemlock with Socrates": Charles McCoy's Dialogue with Leo Strauss and the Character of Thomistic Political Philosophy; 3. Wisdom and Folly: Reconsidering Leo Strauss on the Natural Law; 4. Modernity, Creation, and Catholicism: Leo Strauss and Benedict XVI; 5. Leo Strauss's Critique of Modern Political Philosophy and Ernest Fortin's Critique of Modern "Catholic Social Teaching."
  • Part 2. Leo Strauss and Catholic Concerns6. The Mutual Concerns of Leo Straussand His Catholic Contemporaries: D'Entrèves, McCoy, Simon; 7. On the Catholic Audience of Leo Strauss; 8. The Possible Harmony of Reason and Revelation in Politics and Philosophy: A Catholic Reading of Leo Strauss's "Progress or Return?"; 9. What Might a Catholic Reader Learn from Strauss about Catholicism?: On the Supposed Distinction of Natural Right and Natural Law; 10. The Influence of Historicism on Catholic Theology; Part 3. Leo Strauss on Christianity, Politics, and Philosophy.
  • 11. The City and the Whole: Remarks on the Limits and the Seriousness of the Political in Strauss's Thought12. Aristotelian Metaphysics and Modern Science: Leo Strauss on What Nature Is; 13. Strauss and Pascal: Is Discussion Possible?; 14. Leo Strauss's Profound and Fragile Critique of Christianity; Bibliography; Contributors; Index.