Tabla de Contenidos:
  • I. Preliminaries
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Elements of the right to freedom of association
  • 3. The source and nature of the right to freedom of association
  • II. The rights to associate and dissociate in political theory
  • 4. The tradition of voluntarism in the political theory of freedom of association
  • 5. The tradition of pluralism in the political theory of freedom of association
  • 6. Building on the two traditions
  • 7. Free riding and forced association
  • 8. On being forced to associate for a political purpose
  • III. The rights to associate and dissociate in labor law
  • 9. Freedom of association and forms of union monopoly
  • 10. The duty to join a union and the right to join the union of one's choice
  • 11. The right to strike as a right to associate
  • 12. The right to refuse to strike as a right to dissociate
  • 13. The right to dissociate from a trade union's political activity
  • 14. Conclusion.