Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents: An Epigraphic Portrait of Ephesus and Its Villages / James R. Harrison ; An Ephesian Tale: Mystery Cults, Reverse Theological Engineering, and the Triumph of Christianity in Ephesus / Guy MacLean Rogers ; The Jewish Community in Ephesus and Its Interaction with Christ-Believers in the First Century CE and Beyond / Paul Trebilco ; Acclaiming Artemis in Ephesus: Political Theologies in Acts 19 / Bradley J. Bitner ; The Gladiator Graveyard of Ephesus as Evidence for the Study of Martyrdom / Mikael Haxby ;
  • - in Ephesians as Godlike in the Heavens, in Temple, in
  • -, and in Armor: Ideology and Iconography in Ephesus and Its Environs / Fredrick J. Long ; From Zeus or by EndoiosActs 19:35 as a Peculiar Assessment of the Ephesian Artemis / Stephan Witetschek ; Ephesian Cultic Officials, Their Benefactors, and the Quest for Civic Virtue: Paul's Alternative Quest for Status in the Epistle to the Ephesians / James R. Harrison ; Ephesus and the Numismatic Background to / Michael P. Theophilos.