Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ANDREW SILLETT. Quintus Cicero's Commentariolum: A Philosophical Approach to Roman Elections
  • KLAUS LENNARTZ. Not Without My Mother: The Obligate Rhetoric of Daphne's Transformation
  • MICHAEL MECKLER. Comparative Approaches to the Historia Augusta
  • V. Late Antique Works
  • ANNE-CATHERINE BAUDOIN. Truth in the Details: The Report of Pilate to Tiberius as an Authentic Forgery
  • KRISTI EASTIN. Virgilius Accuratissimus: The "Authentic" Illustrations of William Sandby's 1750 Virgil
  • LUIGI PEDRONI. The Salii at the Nonae of October: Reading Lyd. Mens. 4.138 W
  • CRISTIAN TOLSA. Evidence and Speculation about Ptolemy's Career in Olympiodorus
  • VI. Early Christian Works
  • SCOTT BROWN. Mar Saba 65: Twelve Enduring Misconceptions
  • ARGYRI KARANASIOU. A Euripidised Clement of Alexandriaor a Christianised EuripidesThe Interplay of Authority between Quoting Author and Cited Author
  • MARKUS MÜLKE. Heretic Falsification in Cyprian's Epistulae
  • Contributors
  • Indices
  • ^
  • Index locorum
  • General Index.