Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Dharmakīrti's attitude toward the self. Dharmakīrti's account of the belief in a self as nescience; The "Speculative" form of the personalistic belief and the function of philosophy; Dharmakīrti against the pudgala. Two buddhist versions of the self and the person; Introduction
  • The "Immanence of the absolute, " or the tathāgatagarbha as the true self of living beings; On Pudgalavāda buddhism ; Context and arguments of Dharmakīrti's critique; The immediate context and doctrinal background of PVSV 147,2-148,5; PVSV 147,2-148,5 : annotated translation; On PV 2.202-204 ; Conclusion
  • Dharmakīrti against Ātmavādin arguments. Against the so-called vyatirekin; The context of PVSV 12,26-13,11 : a critique of non-perception as a means to establish co-absence (vyatireka); The (kevala)vyatirekihetu and the inference of the self; Dharmakīrti's argument in PVSV 12,26-13,11 : english translation; Explanations (mainly based on PV 4 and PVin 3); Dharmakīrti's argument in PVin 3 and NB 3 ; Against the inferability of the self; The self's imperceptibility and the Ātmavādin's inference of the self from its effects; Dharmakīrti's argument in PVSV 16,8-19 : english translation ; The refutation of the Sāṅkhya's teleological argument for the existence of the self; The Sāṅkhya's teleological argument; The refutation of the argument as proving the contrary of the intended thesis; The refutation of the argument as being useless; Dharmakīrti's critique of the Sāṅkhya's argument in PVSV 16,20-27 : once again on non-perception ; On memory : PV 2.267-269
  • Dharmakīrti against the self as the basis of Brahmanical soteriologies. The doctrines of the self as soteriologies; Sāṅkhya's; Nyāya; Vaiśesịka ; Dharmakīrti's main target : the Nyāya's soteriology ; Translation and commentary of PV 2.220-256 ; Dharmakīrti's main point : detachment presupposes detachment from the self (PV 2.220-225); Cultivating the thought of pain (duhḳhabhāvanā) does not eliminate the notion of belonging to the self (ātmīya) (PV 2.226-228); The criticism of the self's relations with what one ought to be detached from (PV 2.229); The Naiyāyikas' liberated state cannot be desired by those who seek liberation (PV 2.230-235); The criticism of the Naiyāyikas' understanding of duhḳhabhāvanā as a means of liberation (PV 2.236-246); Dharmakīrti's refutation of the Sāṅkhya position (PV 2.247-248); The Naiyāyikas' cultivation of the thought of pain as a misunderstanding of the buddhist path (PV 2.249-254); The inconsistency of the Nyāya's soteriology with its Ātmavāda and the soteriological necessity of selflessness (PV 2.255-256)
  • Abbreviations and bibliography.