
Italian environmental literature : an anthology /

Italy has always presented itself in the modern Anglophone mind as the quintessential urban society. Yet Italy has perhaps the longest and most continuous tradition of environmental thinking and writing, stretching from the ancient Romans, through the Middle Ages. In the modern era Italy took its pl...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Barron, Patrick, 1968-, Re, Anna, 1970-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: New York : Italica Press, 2003.
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Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Poetry. Pioggia = Rain ; Vespro = Vespers ; La Domenica dell'ulivo = The Sunday of the olive tree ; Sera d'Ottobre = October evening ; Arano = They are plowing ; Novembre = November / Giovanni Pascoli. La pioggia nel pineto = The rain in the pinewood ; Ditirambo III = Dithyramb III / Gabriele D'Annunzio. Paesaggio = Landscape ; Crepuscolo Ferrarese = Ferrarese twilight ; La primavera del mare ; The springtime of the sea / Corrado Govoni. La verna ; Images from the journey and the mountain / Dino Campana. I fiumi = The rivers ; Con fuoco = With fire ; Quiete = Quiet ; Tu ti spezzasti = You shattered ; Terra = Earth / Giuseppe Ungaretti. Mereggiare pallido e assorto = Sit out the noon, pale and engrossed ; Portami il girasole ch'io lo trapianti = Bring me the sunflower so that I may plant it ; Riviere = Seacoasts ; Egloga = Eclogue ; L'anguilla = The eel / Eugenio Montale. Alla mia terra = To my earth ; Cavalli di luna e di vulcani = Horses of moon and of volcanoes ; Ride la gazza, nera sugli aranci = The magpie laughs, black upon the orange trees ; Preghiera alla pioggia = Prayer to the rain ; Ed è subito sera = And suddenly it's evening / Salvatore Quasimodo. Camaleonte = Chameleon ; Epigramma per un verme = Epigram for a worm ; Se = If ; Felini = Felines ; Gabbiani = Seagulls / Daria Menicanti. E' mi fiómm = My river ; E' paradéis l'è brótt = Heaven is ugly ; I bu = Oxen ; La mórta = Death ; E' mónd l'è bèl ; The world is beautiful / Tonino Guerra. Un libro di ecloghe = A book of eclogues ; Ecloga I = Eclogue I ; Ecloga II = Eclogue II ; Per la finestra nuova = Through the new window ; Ormai = By now / Andrea Zanzotto. Il pianto della scavatrice = The tears of the excavator / Pier Paolo Pasolini. Excerpts from Il radicamento = Excerpts from The rooting / Jolanda Insana. Il leccio = The holm oak ; Biografia = Biography ; Se la natura parla a tutta gola = If nature bellows ; Dico che il grillo lo scorpione la cavalletta = I say that the cricket the scorpion the grasshopper / Mariella Bettarini. Il corpo e l'anima = Body and soul ; Scarto = Distance ; Aspra stagione metropolitana = Harsh metropolitan season ; Paesaggio invernale = Winter landscape / Luciana Notari
  • Prose. From : People of Aspromonte / Corrado Alvaro. The fable of the olive tree ; A cypress / Gianna Manzini. From : Fontamara / Ignazio Silone. From : Christ stopped at Eboli / Carlo Levi. From : The forests of Norbio / Giuseppe Dessì. The tree / Anna Maria Ortese. Sea, sky and land / Carlo Cassola. Polenta three hundred and sixty-five times a year ; It didn't seem like it, but the women were in charge / Nuto Revelli. The crows ; The shepherd / Mario Rigoni Stern. Spring : Mushrooms in the city ; Spring : The good air ; Spring ; Where the river is more blue? / Italo Calvino. From : Dolcissimo / Giuseppe Bonaviri. The enchanted voyager / Carlo Sgorlon. How a photographer disembarked in the New World ; The return of the traveler / Gianni Celati. Pink ; Lavender ; Silver ; Green ; White / Monica Sarsini
  • Environmental writing. Introd. From : A hare with the face of a child / Laura Conti. From : The natural history of a passion / Alfredo Todisco. From : The vandals at home ; From : The destruction of nature / Antonio Cederna. An expropriated farmer / Danilo Dolci. The crisis in the relationship between man and the environment ; The lesson of ecology / Giorgio Nebbia. From : The knights of the great lagoon / Fulco Pratesi. Prometheus fell at Chernobyl ; Global climate change / Gianni Mattioli and Massimo Scalia. Blowin' in the wind / Virgino Bettini. Give us our daily wild / Nicola Licciardello. Alfa Romeo / Loredana Lucarini. Wild and cultivated / Giuseppe Moretti. The earth that generates the air ; Perfumes carried by the wind / Studio Azzurro.