
Renaissance and other studies in honor of William Leon Wiley /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Daniel, George Bernard (Editor ), Wiley, W. L. (honouree.)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, [1968]
Colección:Studies in the Romance languages and literatures ; no. 72.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Biography, by G.B. Daniel. -Tendres and généreux in the later plays of Corneille, by C.K. Abraham. -An interesting use of genealogy in historical romance, by J.R. Beeler. -Ronsard's treatment of ignorant poets and the common people, by S.M. Carrington. -Rotrou's Venceslas: tragédie or tragi-comédie? by J.H. Davis, Jr. -A few comparisons and contrasts in the wordcraft of Rabelais and James Joyce, by A.G. Engstrom. -The impact of Frére Jean on Panurge in Rabelais' Tiers livre, by D.M. Frame. -Candide's quarterings, by R.L. Frautschi. -Affinity and antithesis in the vocabulary of Phèdre, by S. Haig. -Les commentaires de Charles Péguy sur Polyeucte, by J. Hardré.
  • Bonaventure des Périers abroad, by J.W. Hasselle, Jr. -Montaigne's spas, by U.T. Holmes. -Dramatic technique in Les précieuses ridicules, by Q.M. Hope. -The geophysics of Rabelais' frozen words, by A.C. Keller. -An aspect of obscenity in Rabelais, by R.C. La Charité. -Char's surrealist experience: an appraisal of Artine, by V.A. La Charité. -The Scudérys revisited: Georges de Scudéry, by J.W. Schweitzer. -Creative imitation, originality, and literary tradition in Ronsard, by I. Silver. -Pascal and François Mauriac, by M.A. Smith. -The cult of taste in Nouhours' Pensées ingénieuses des anciens et des modernes (1689), by F.W. Vogler. -Montaigne's conclusion to Book II of his Essais, by P.A. Wadsworth. -Montaignes readings for Des cannibales, by B. Weinberg. -A bibliography of the writings of William Leon Wiley, by G.B. Daniel (p. [281]-282).