Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Hispanic philosophy : its beginning and golden age / Jorge J.E. Gracia
  • The philosophical discussion of legitimacy of the conquest of Mexico in the sixteenth century / Mauricio Beuchot
  • Vitoria on choosing to replace a king / John P. Doyle
  • Vitoria : the original philosopher of rights / Marcelo Sánchez-Sorondo
  • Bartolomé de Las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sépulveda : moral theology versus political philosophy / Eduardo Andújar
  • The controversy between Las Casas and Sepúlveda at Valladolid / Rafael Alvira and Alfredo Cruz
  • Domingo de Soto and the Iberian roots of Galileo's science / William A. Wallace
  • The economic teachings of spanish scholastics / Juan Antonio Widow
  • Teresa of Avila and the meaning of mystical theology / Jean de Groot
  • The Christian mysticism of St. John of the Cross and the metaphysics of being / Yves Floucat
  • The problem of God's foreknowledge and human free action in spanish philosophy / Mirko Skarica
  • Suárez and a Salamancan Thomist : a tale of a text / Norman Wells
  • Suárez, nominalism, and modes / Stephen Menn
  • Francisco Suárez on democracy and international law / Carlos G. Noreña
  • A new beginning in philosophy : Poinsot's contribution to the seventeenth-century search / John Deely.