
Men and Cultures : Selected Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Wallace, Anthony F. C.
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2017]
Edición:Reprint 2016.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Frontmatter
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Papers Delivered to the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
  • Introduction
  • The Hiawatha Wampum Belt of the Iroquois League for Peace: A Symbol for the International Congress of Anthropology
  • Section I: Current Status of Anthropological and Ethnological Studies
  • Current Trends in the Development of American Ethnology
  • Recent Developments in the Study of the Prehistory of Western Asia
  • Anthropology and the Smithsonian Institution
  • Anthropologie Physique en U.R.S.S.
  • Summary of Paleo-Anthropological Investigation in the U.S.S.R.
  • Recent Trends in British Social Anthropology
  • Trends in European Prehistory
  • Recent Developments in Ethnological Theory in Europe
  • Recent Developments and Trends in Ethnological Studies in China
  • Current Trends in Ethnography in the U.S.S.R.
  • Recent Developments in American Archeology
  • Recent Developments in the Field of Genetics
  • Section II: Theory and Method
  • Individual Variation in Culture
  • Conflict and Congruence in Anthropological Theory
  • Culture and Human Behavior
  • Anthropology and Art
  • Zum Problem der Konstanz in der Ethnologie
  • A Microcultural Analysis of Time
  • Thoughts on Methodology for Comprehension of an Oral Literature
  • Recreative Behavior and Culture Change
  • The Use of Typology in Anthropological Theory
  • Archeological Typology in Theory and Practice
  • Jazz Choreology
  • Methodological Problems of Free Doll Play as an Ethnographic Field Technique
  • A New Framework for Studies of Folklore and Survivals
  • A System for Describing and Analyzing the Regulation of Coordinated Activity
  • Typology in the Area of Social Organization
  • Aesthetics in "Primitive" Societies
  • Acculturation
  • Withdrawal, An Early Means of Dealing with the Supernatural
  • Subsystem Typology in Linguistics
  • The Ethnic Dimension of Human History: Pattern or Patterns of Culture?
  • Section III: Culture Change and Culture History
  • Some Similarities between Ards of the Balkans, Scandinavia, and Anterior Asia, and Their Methodological Significance
  • Slash-and-burn Agriculture: A Closer Look at its Implications for Settlement Patterns
  • Northwest Coast--Northeast Asiatic Similarities : A New Hypothesis
  • Techniques of Preparing Manioc Flour as a Key to Culture History in Tropical America
  • Culture Stability and Change among the Seminoles of Florida
  • The Evolution of Status Systems in Polynesia
  • Les Tendances Modernes de l'evolution des Sociétés Mélanésiennes (Nouvelles-Hébrides et Nouvelle-Calédonie)
  • A Re-Evaluation of the Cultural Position of the Nootka
  • Theoretical Considerations Concerning the Problem of Pre-Columbian Contacts between the Old World and the New
  • Ethnology and High Civilization, Exemplified by Ancient Egypt
  • Rivalry and Superiority: Two Dominant Features of the Sumerian Culture Pattern
  • Plow Complex, Culture Change and Cultural Stability
  • Three Hundred Years of Chukchi Ethnic Identity
  • North European Shamanism
  • The Assumed Early Mediterranean Influence among the Kuanyama Ambo Bantu of South West Africa
  • Irrigation, Settlement Pattern, and Social Organization
  • The Christian Hymnology of the North American Indians
  • The Acculturative Process in Jamaican Revivalism
  • Plough and Field Shape
  • A Umatilla Prophet Cult : An Episode in Culture Change
  • Cart-using Indians of the American Plains
  • The Study of the Early History of Agriculture in the Territory of the U.S.S.R.
  • In 1945-1955
  • The Automobile in Contemporary Navaho Culture
  • History and Ethnohistory, and A Case in Point
  • Section IV: Ethnography
  • Les Origines Ethniques de la Population Marocaine Musulmane de Casablanca
  • Intertribal Relations in the Pueblo Kachina Cult
  • Un Complexe Culturel: La Course de Pirogues au Laos
  • The Idoma Court-of-Lineages in Law and Political Structure
  • The Fear in Tapirapé Culture
  • Yoruba Concepts of the Soul
  • A New Ecological Typology of the California Indians
  • Autobiography of A Guatemalan Indian
  • Les Communautés d'Entraide des Bambara du Soudan Français
  • A Comparison of Eastern Keresan and Tewa Kinship Systems
  • Some Reflections on Chiga Ethics
  • Sequence and Structure in Folktales
  • Circumpolar Forest North America as a Modern Culture Area
  • Medicinal Plant and Food use as related to Health and Disease in Coastal Oaxaca
  • Le Concept de Crime en Droit Djarai
  • Aspects de la Royauté Bateke (Moyen-Congo)
  • The Role of Music in Western Apache Culture
  • Double Descent in an Ibo Village-Group
  • La Notion de Mana dans la Culture Haïtienne
  • The Calf Sacrifice of the Todas of the Nilgiris (South India)
  • Polygamie et ses Particularités
  • Production, Distribution and Power in a Primitive Society
  • Tipi di Cultura nel Paraguay
  • The Maintenance of Unity and Distinctiveness by a Philippine Peasant Village
  • Contrasting Patterns of Carolinian Population Distribution in the Marianas
  • The Birhor (The Little Nomadic Tribe of India)
  • The Inter-Relations of Castes and Ethnic Groups in Nepal
  • Section V: Archaeology
  • Human Types and Prehistoric Cultures at Ksâr 'Akil, Lebanon
  • Culture Change in Europe at the Start of the Second Millennium B.C.: A Contribution to the Indo-European Problem
  • Rocker-Stamped Pottery in the Old and New World
  • North Mexico and the Correlation of Mesoamerican and Southwestern Cultural Sequences
  • Paleo-Eskimo in Disko Bay, West Greenland
  • The Plains Archaic Concept
  • Prehistoric Culture Sequences in the Eastern Arctic as Elucidated by Stratified Sites at Igloolik
  • Archaism and Revival on the South Coast of Peru
  • The Preclassic Ceramic Sequence of Huapalcalco, of Tulancingo, Hgo
  • The Mixteca-Puebla Concept in Mesoamerican Archeology: A Re-examination
  • El Patio mas Antiguo de Mesoamerica
  • Cultural Unity and Diversification in Peruvian Archaeology
  • The Gulf Coastal Plain in North American Prehistory
  • The Paleo-Indian Culture Succession in the Central High Plains of Texas and New Mexico
  • Western Siberian Archeology, An Interpretative Summary
  • Section VI: Physical Anthropology
  • Physical and Psychological Factors in Culture Growth
  • The Pattern of Development of African Children
  • A Study of the Rotation of the Occipital Region in the Neandertal and Sapiens Skulls
  • El Poblamiento Paleolitico de España
  • Small Isolated Human Breeding Populations and Their Significance for the Process of Racial Differentiation
  • La Paléodémographie, Base Nouvelle de l'Analyse Anthropologique
  • Significance of Recent Primatology for Physical Anthropology
  • New Research in German Forensic Anthropology
  • Partial Volumes and Surface Areas of the Human Body
  • Changes in the Skull Features of the Japanese People from Ancient to Modem Times
  • Primate Evolution and Human Behavior
  • Les Proportions de la Tête Chez les Français
  • A Study of the Racial Morphology of the French Population
  • The Evolutionary Taxonomy of the Hominidae in the Light of the Piltdown Investigation
  • Section VII: Applied Anthropology
  • Applied Anthropology in the Belgian Territories in Africa (An Experience of Integration of the Tribal Institutions into the Pattern of the New Social Action in Central Africa)
  • De Quelques Difficultés dues aux Différences de Cultures, Rencontrées dans les Missions d'Assistance Technique
  • Applied Anthropology, Community Welfare, and Human Conservation
  • Section VIII: Linguistics
  • The Southwest Project in Comparative Psycholinguistics: A Preliminary Report
  • The Urbanization of the Guarani Language--A Problem in Language and Culture
  • The General Classification of Central and South American Languages
  • The Origin of the Hausa Language
  • Tonality in Efik Signal Communication and Folklore
  • Author Index