
The Danubian lands between the Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas : (7th century BC-10th century AD) /

The themes of this volume are concerned with archaeological, historical, linguistic, anthropological, geographical and other investigations across the vast area (and different regions) through which the Argonauts travelled in seeking to return from Colchis: from the eastern shore of the Black Sea an...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor Corporativo: International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities Belgrade, Serbia
Otros Autores: Tsetskhladze, Gocha R. (Editor ), Avram, Alexandru, 1956-2021 (Editor ), Hargrave, James (Archaeologist) (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico Congresos, conferencias eBook
Publicado: Oxford : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, [2015]
Colección:Archaeopress archaeology.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Principal Editor's Preface
  • (Gocha R. Tsetskhladze) Message from the President of the Congress
  • (Sir John Boardman) Welcome by the Secretary-General
  • (Gocha R. Tsetskhladze) Opening Lecture: Black Sea cultures and peoples
  • (Miroslava Mirković) Section 1: The Black Sea Greek Colonies and their Relationship with the Hinterland Greeks, locals and others around the Black Sea and its hinterland: recent developments
  • (Gocha R. Tsetskhladze) Feasting and diplomacy in colonial behaviour in the northern Black Sea
  • (Ivy Faulkner) The Black Sea area in Xenophon's Anabasis
  • (Luigi Gallo) Hegemony and political instability in the Black Sea and Hellespont after the Theban expedition to Byzantium in 364 BC
  • (José Vela Tejada) Femmes et pouvoir chez les peuples des steppes eurasiatiques
  • (Marta Oller) The Bosporus after the Spartocid kings
  • (Stefania Gallotta) Leuce Island as a part of the Pontic contact zone: constructing a sacred Topos
  • (Ruja Popova) Sinope and Colchis: colonisation, or a Greek population in 'Poleis Barbaron'?
  • (Jan G. de Boer) Greek colonies and the southern Black Sea hinterland: looking closer into a long, complex and multidimensional relationship
  • (Manolis Manoledakis) Phrygia and the southern Black Sea littoral
  • (Maya Vassileva) Perception and the political approach to foreigners of the West Pontic Greek colonies during the Hellenistic period
  • (Alina Dimitrova) The Greek colonisation of Abkhazia in the light of new archaeological discoveries: the palaeogeographic, ecological and demographic situation in Sukhum Bay
  • (Alik Gabelia) New data on the dynamics of relations between Greeks and Barbarians at the mouth of the Tanais river in the final stage of Scythian history (5th-3rd centuries BC)
  • (Viktor P. Kopylov) Greek colonisation of the European Bosporus
  • (Viktor Zinko and Elena Zinko) The Cimmerians: their origins, movements and their difficulties
  • (Ioannis K. Xydopoulos) Section 2: The Danube and the Black Sea Region Verbindung zwischen dem Schwarzen Meer und der Adriatik durch Ozean und/oder Donau im Weltbild der archaischen Griechen
  • (Alexander V. Podossinov) Between the Euxine and the Adriatic Seas: ancient representations of the Ister (Danube) and the Haemus (Balkan Mountains) as frames of modern south-eastern Europe
  • (Anca Dan) Cultural Transfers and artistic exchanges between the Adriatic and Black seas, 4th century BC
  • (Cecilia D'Ercole) Celts in the Black Sea area
  • (Jan Bouzek) Antonia Tryphaina im östlichen dynastischen Netzwerk
  • (Victor Cojocaru) Wine for the Avar elite? Amphorae from Avar period burials in the Carpathian Basin
  • (Gergely Csiky and Piroska Magyar-Hárshegyi) Sur quelques inscriptions possiblement tomitaines
  • (Alexandru Avram) The ecclesiastic network of the regions on the western and northern shores of the Black Sea in late antiquity
  • (Dan Ruscu) Religion and society on the western Pontic shore
  • (Ligia Ruscu) L'Europe du sud-est chez les géographes de l'époque impériale: continuités et ruptures
  • (Mattia Vitelli Casella) Colonisation in the urban and rural milieu of Noviodunum (Moesia Inferior)
  • (Lucreţiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba) Aquileian families through Pannonia and Upper Moesia
  • (Leonardo Gregoratti) The city of Tomi and the Roman army
  • epigraphic evidence
  • (Snežana Ferjančić) The imperial city of Justiniana Prima as a paradigm of Constantinopolitan influence in the Central Balkans
  • (Olga Špehar) Empreintes et originaux: les monnaies avec monogramme BAE
  • (Pascal Burgunder) The Roman harbour of Ariminum and its connections with the Aegean and the Black Sea
  • (Federico Ugolini) L'istros dans l'horizon géographique ancien: un aperçu historique sur les traditions et les connaissances géographiques concernant son bassin
  • (Immacolata Balena) De la mer Égée jusqu'aux Carpates: la route du vin de Rhodes vers la Dacie
  • (Dragoş Măndescu) Section 3: Roman and Byzantine Limes. Varia Women at the verge: Roman and Byzantine women on the Danubian Limes
  • (Il Akkad and Milena Joksimović) Funerary images of women in tomb frescos of the Late Antique and Early Byzantine period from the Central Balkans
  • (Jelena Anđelković Grašar) Regarding the fall of the Danubian limes with special reference to Scythia Minor in the 7th century
  • (Gabriel Custurea and Gabriel Mircea Talmaţchi) Some East Pontic amphorae of Roman and Early Byzantine times
  • (Andrei Opaiţ) Some thoughts about Seleucid Thrace in the 3rd century BC
  • (Adrian George Dumitru) Eastern crimea in the 10th-12th centuries AD: similarities and differences
  • (Vadim V. Maiko) Les Romains en mer Noire: depuis les villes greques au IIe siècle après J.-C.
  • (Livio Zerbini) Castles made of sand? Balkan Latin from Petar Skok to J.N. Adams
  • (Vojin Nedeljković) Ancient coins on Bulgarian lands (1st century BC-5th century AD): the Archetype of Dominance/Power-God/Emperor/King on a Throne
  • (Sasha Lozanova) Ceramics from the Danubian provinces on sites of the Chernyakhov-Sîntana de Mureş culture
  • (Boris Magomedov) Section 4: New Excavations and Projects Thracia Pontica: Apollonia, Mesambria et al. A comparative archaeometrical approach
  • (Pierre Dupont) Old digs, new data: archaeological topography of the southern part of the Acropolis of Istros during the Greek period (the Basilica Pârvan sector)
  • (Valentin-Victor Bottez) Stratégies coloniales et réseaux d'occupation spatiale gètes sur le littoral de la Dobroudja du Nord: les acquis du Programme ANR Pont-Euxin
  • (Alexandre Baralis et Vasilica Lungu) Rock-cut monuments in Thrace and Phrygia: new perspectives from the Gluhite Kamani project
  • (Lynn E. Roller) Deultum-Debeltos: archaeological excavation of the street spaces and structures, 2004-13
  • (Hristo Preshlenov) The civic centre of Archaic Borysthenes: a new approach to localisation
  • (Dmitry Chistov) Changes in the structure of faunal remains at the settlement on Berezan island (northern Black Sea) during its existence
  • (Aleksei Kasparov) Using, reusing and repairing pottery: the example of two small Bosporan centres
  • Tanais and Tyritake (everyday life, economic status, wealth and the resourcefulness of the population)
  • (Marcin Matera) Excavation of Ash Hill 2 in Myrmekion
  • (Alexander M. Butyagin) Lesale, an unknown centre in western Colchis
  • (Annegret Plontke Lüning) Recent discoveries at Tios and its territory
  • (Sümer Atasoy and Şahin Yıldırım) The rescue excavation of the Selmanli tumulus in Kastamonu
  • (Şahin Yıldırım) New findings on the history and archaeology of the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey: the excavation of Cıngırt Kayası
  • (Ayşe F. Erol) On settlement problems in north-western Anatolia (Zonguldak region) from the 7th century bc to the Roman period
  • (Güngör Karauğuz) Achaemenid presence at Oluz Höyük, north central Anatolia
  • (Şevket Dönmez) New data about Roman painted pottery discovered at Cioroiu Nou, Dolj county, Romania
  • (Dorel Bondoc) The cooking devices of Apollonia Pontica (Bulgaria): preliminary study of the specificities of the ceramic assemblage of this Greek colony
  • (Laurent Claquin) The construction of Marcianopolis: local and imported stone production and the relationship with the Western Pontic colonies during the Principate
  • (Zdravko Dimitrov) An architectural complex in the north-western part of the Chersonesian fortress belonging to the Chaika settlement in the north-western Crimea
  • (Tatyana Egorova and Elena Popova) Christian buildings in the fortress of Anacopia
  • (Suram Sakania) Appendix 1: Programme: Fifth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities Appendix 2: Summaries of papers: Fifth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities.