Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. The Role of Affects in Psychoanalytic Theory: New Perspectives on Drive Theory
  • The Psychopathology of Hatred.
  • 2. Developmental Aspects of Broad-Spectrum Personality Disorders: Clinical Dimensions of Masochism
  • Hysterical and Histrionic Personality Disorders
  • Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorders.
  • 3. Clinical Applications of Object Relations Theory: Object Relations Theory in Clinical Practice
  • An Ego Psychology-Object Relations Theory Approach to the Transference
  • An Ego Psychology-Object Relations Theory of Structural Change
  • Transference Regression and Psychoanalytic Technique with Infantile Personalities.
  • 4. Technical Approaches to Severe Regression: Projection and Projective Identification: Developmental and Clinical Aspects
  • Projective Identification, Countertransference, and Hospital Treatment
  • Identification and Its Vicissitudes as Observed in Psychosis
  • Vicissitudes of and Pleasure in Hatred
  • Psychopathic, Paranoid, and Depressive Transferences.
  • 5. The Psychodynamics of Perversion: The Relation of Borderline Personality Organization to the Perversions
  • A Theoretical Frame for the Study of Sexual Perversions
  • A Conceptual Model for Male Perversion (with Particular Reference to Male Homosexuality).