Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Definitions. The first steps ; Warsaw '73 : introduction to the history of Europe in the early Holocene ; Forli '96 : early postglacial adaptations in Central Europe ; Lille '00 e pluribus unum? Regards sur l'Europe meþsolithique ; Stockholm '00 : the Mesolithic: what do we know and what we believe?
  • What and how?. Stone ; bone and antler ; Wood ; Hunting gear ; how?
  • Where?. The screen ; The resources
  • There!. Pyreþneþes, Alpes et Carpates: Barrieþres culturelles pour les derniers chasseurs-preþdateurs ; Mesolithic settlement pattern ; Une cartographie des eþleþments typologiques meþsolithiques en Europe ; Atlas of the European Mesolithic ; The "stories of some Microliths
  • When?. Chronology ; Conservative character of Mesolithic cultures ; West, center, and south ; The main evolutive trends in the European Mesolithic ; Castelnovization ; Cermization of the Mesolithic
  • Stylistic/"cultural" differentiation of the Mesolithic
  • South. Italy ; The Trentino Sequence ; Central Italy (Tuscany) ; The South of Italy ; Eastern and Northeastern outlying areas ; Iberia
  • The Southeast. Eco-cultural/stylistic zonation of the Mesolithic in Central and Southeastern Europe ; Slovenian Mesoltithic ; Lepensky Vir lithics ; Vlasac
  • The West and the Center. Les courants interculturels dans le Meþsolithique de L'Europe Occidentale ; The West (Beuronian) and Rhenanian Beuronian ; The "Sauveterrian Commonwealth" or the West between the South and the Center ; After sauveterrization ; The Center : Maglemosian
  • The East. The Northeastern flint tools ; Caspian-Caucasian industries ; "Model A" Castelnovian cultures in the East
  • The North. The Scandinavian tanged points ; The TPC in its younger phase ; Desna culture ; Sandarna ; Microbladelets (Limhamn in Sweden, Nøstvet in Norway)
  • Castelnovian/Pre-Neolithic. The Pre-Neolithic (Castelnovian) base of the Early Neolithic stone industries in Europe ; The castelnovian complex ; Para-Castelnovian cultures of the Pontic Steppe ; Pontic elements in the Late Mesolithic of the Vistula and Boh (Southern Bug)-Dniester basins ; The Mesolithic; Between East and West ; Gaban ; Latronico ; Leduc 2 ; Odmut
  • Bone, antler, and amber
  • The final score.